
Vinnie Benny

Ask @jesssurez

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aprendan a estar solos y no con cualquier persona para llenar ese vacío, gracias

Si fuera así, os lo diría de una vez, total, yo os he dicho que soy multi-amoroso, si lo ocultara, no fuera así.

mujeres anal duele

Me gustaría pensar que lo habías equivocadamente precisado, pero os conozco, sé que has sentido curiosidad sobre el sexo anal.
Yo no sé como carajos hicisteis esos sentones, pero debisteis haber sentido cada gota. Además, de que, pudisteis habérmelo fracturado, y tu ano triturado.

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❓❗️ ¿Qué piensas? ¿Qué me esperará a finales de año?

Con sinceridad, no sucederá nada más fuera de lo común en vuestra vida en éstos últimos meses de 2021, más que vuestra rutina diaria, y que, puede que seas invitada a una fiesta memorable.

Pregunta importante 👋 ¿Te gusta leer chismes de celebridades?

No, en realidad no, no me gustan los chismes, aunque no está mal de vez en cuando el estar informado, y solo me interesa saber sobre la vida de una celebridad, ningún otro/a más.

¿Cómo crees que será mi día hoy? 👋

Enserio, yo estoy loco por conseguir mis cartas del tarot, hay todo un universo de posibilidades en planos espirituales y en diferentes dimensiones.
Os aconsejo el investigar más sobre la Provincia de "Burgos" ya que es una Provincia Española, no tendría mucho que ver con vos, pero puede que os interese.
¿Sabías que existe una Provincia Española Fantasma llamada Guadalajara? Pues, me atrevo a decir-os, que algunas Regiones Venezolanas podrían terminar de esa forma.

hola hola ¿De qué meme te has reído más?

Lo siento, no me he reído fuera de lo normal, mucho menos con los memes, espero que Vds. lo hayan notado, pero los memes contienen mensajes e indirectas de la vida diaria de personas en común.

¿Por qué te enojas normalmente? 👋👋👋

Tengo muchas razones para estar enojado 24/7 muchos coños de su madre están cometiendo todo tipos de insultos y ofensas que merecen castigos pre-meditados.

Define broken are you, how does society what annoys you are any company in history?

"Define how broken you are, how does society annoys what you are in history on any company?"
I hint you to improve your English grammar skills, any other further native English speaker would go mad at you, and his brain would blow off to curse you for the rest of their lives.
I was broken for a couple of years before, but that's already the past. I got over every challenge I went through in my life, and there is much more to go through in my life than I've ever thought. To be honest, there are harsher, and harder challenges to overcome. I really feel like I'm facing the world up.
I've always been different from society, and that's why, Venezuelan society rejected me, and that's irrefutable. Anyone who knows me so well, and my history, knows perfectly which, I'm right what I mean to express. Many throughout Central America, and South America doesn't accept the fact, which, I already own everything that belongs to me. It's feasable to understand which, it's always been so difficult, and grim to earn everything they've got, but that's not reason to bug me for their unwellness, and pain.
These dictums are roasting, and unprintable but, it's much worse what I've got to bear on social media. Most people stated me which, I've trascended. I've always hidden away, and concealed everything about my life, but it's to time to show myself up under the sunlight of life public as I've always lived on shadows.
I already own everything of it as I contacted a stateless U.N agent to find everything about my birthplace out just because I had discovered I am adopted. If he couldn't help me out, no one could. I never thought there was a lot to own. I'm so decided to take over everything, and I'll carry on the same company's policy, and norms. I'm not willing to change anything of it. I'm ready to receive priceless advices of company. I'm an amateur on this but, I'll go on with my entrepreneurship.
I just let you know which, I love Russia as much as I desire to learn your language soon. Your homeland has a lot to gift me as much as I'm willingly to demonstrate all my love to the Russian people.

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Hasta luego ¿Estás listo para enamorarte a primera vista?

Yo os puedo amar, pero yo no me voy a en-amorar, os paso el dato de una vez.

¡Hooolaa! 🌚 ¿Cuál es el chisme más extraño que la gente ha escuchado sobre ti?

No, esos no son chismes, esos son culpas y difamaciones que no son reales. me quieren ver peor de todas las formas, y sin importar qué, yo viviré, triunfaré y venceré.

i told you

Damn, whatever it happen, I'll fix it up, it doesn't matter whether she cheated on me, or not. If she did something wrong. I'll cut her off from the root. I just really hope she didn't.
Well, I knew you believe I ghosted. I'd like to share to everyone what's my day-to-day routine activity. I've been a professional language learner but, I've finished my job with it. I don't think there is much more to discover.
Sorry whether I text you, or not. I focus on my goals, and the language learning is so uneasy. I've just made it easy. I'll try to text you much more often than I do. I always figure out which, you are pushing forward with your future rehearsals, concerts, and actual album realease.
There have been lots, and lots of challenges in my life, and that'd be the reason by which, I don't talk to anyone for a day as I don't like to bug anybody with all the stuff I go through.
You know I always repeat to myself "I'll figure it out" and whe I say that, it's because I'm oppressed with the yoke of the shortcoming which, I won't trouble anyone about my issues.
It's so obvious which, you are doing so well. I live down here, and I wish you the best of this world. I don't want to think something wrong happened. If that happened, I'll break up with her, I don't deserve anything she could do, I hope she didn't.
She can behave like a chick but, deep down, she is a forthright, straightforward female. She is too strong as yourself to hold herself backfro any situation to fall into situation. I hope so.

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Les gusta el anime???

Si, claro, todo el que tenga desarrollado y usado su entrada comprensiva, sabe que después anda entendiendo hasta el dialogo de una conversación en Japonés.

hay gasolina o no?

Oh... Pues... Ha habido sobre-estimulación... Nada me complace... Pero no iré a mayores.

x2 o x3?

Los que sea mi amor, los que sea, si es necesario, que sean todos los números del mundo...

Mientras usted no me oculte cosas, yo le camino derechito.

Si, lo sé, ya me lo habías dicho, si no lo haces, te voy hacer caminar como se debe como Hitler hizo caminar a los Nazis.

Dame cinco 🤩 ¿Buscas el amor o ya estás enamorado?

Oriana Varela
Claro que os daré. No, no busco el amor, pero siempre he estado en-amorado de la misma mujer, y no está en mi voluntad el querer quitar-la de su trono junto a mi para entregar-se-lo a alguien más, pero eso no significa...


Language: English