
John The Fox

Ask @jhawkmidnight

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Do u think all your questions are from mostly one person or a bunch of others?

I would like to think many cuz i want too have many friends but most likely its one cuz im a loner :/
Liked by: Will Hopper

If you could have dinner with any political figure, dead or alive, who would you pick?

John mccain

John the Fox truth is you are the foxiest of dogs out there. It's open poon season, and you're at the top of the food chain, along side with me of course. You're a faux.

ChristianJenko’s Profile PhotoJenk
You dirty dawg you, stay golden jenkolope
Liked by: Jenk

Who r u dating?

Im going through a stage at the moment and not dating anyone because i want to be free and be myself but if you are attractive and looking for a good time, you know where to find me


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