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Ask @jiashuai

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yeah that one, where they watched the miracle in cell no 7. suho said he doesn't want to receive the dukbokki

someone told me its tao, im going to rewatch it when i have the time but still no one does that to my bby

What is up with AyoYRX_? Does she not even like Yixing? I always see her watermarks on pics of him like outside SM and her meipai vids.

her activities is sasaengish

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saw ur tweet abt sulay notp. during the exo showtime xmas episode, when suho said that he doesn't want to get the ddeokbokki (however do u spell that), i was so pissed cos he's so tactless. and lay's face when he said that & when they were picking the gifts was..yeah


Senpai, please tell me what happen between yixing and bichen? There's rumour spreading in the air. I'm confused == thanks alot

the only truth is dat bichen is a bitchin nothing else

Yixing does go online a lot so trying to educate him about this subject and fans' feelings could happen and be beneficial.

\o/ i hope u win the lotto anon

disappointed he's not someone who is pro-gay. But we should try to understand how he grew up. This isn't an oppa didn't mean it opinion either. It is sad people will write him off as just a homophobe instead of maybe trying to educate him. Give him a better understanding of the world.


People getting mad at Yixing being defensive imo because he's trying to say they're men. He has most likely seen many things online that say EXO aren't men because they wear make-up, etc. It is similar to what he said at the Nanjing festival for Samsung last month. I can understand being


Do you have any Yixing stans you recommend to follow on twitter? I need more Yixing on my timeline huhuhu T~~T

check my following o/ anyone with yixing icon are great

Do you think Lu Han will leave EXO?

NEVER CROSSED MY MIND..why are people entertaining this thought? what do you take him for?!

Are you fine with friends having different opinions with you regarding an OTP?

uh yeah? it's a friend, not a mirror image of yourself so its okay to have different views with things.

hi dolly today is my birthday can i ask a favor pls greet me pls huhu im creepy and urs is also coming up! advanced happy bday 2 u qtptoot <3

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE! ♥ lots of love for your day yay! ♥♥♥

ok that's good. I thought maybe you got hacked or something. good luck with your job! have a great day ok~ (^o^)/

ty! u too

what happened to your twitter omg yes you're finally back I was panicking

i just deac for a while bc adjusting with my job but i guess im fine now o/

what did that post say bout yixing that u find its hard to believe?

about his mom watching happy camp wherein lee minho is the guest and crying bc he looks like yixing //digs my nose// only got like 1k retweets tho so

do u need to d/a ;;; whyy when will u be back

yea bc i whine a lot lol maybe next week or the week after that? before my birthday ofc
Liked by: tina

Hi dolly. I was wondering what do you think of the Chinese exo fandom? I sometimes go on weibo, but it seems that there is always some fandom war there. Some fans of some members are always bashing against some other members or their fans. Some of the things they said are really rude.

lol c-fandom is great bc the fansupport is amazeballs but at the same time they like to 踩着别人上位 bc bias must be the god of them all, thats basically the root problem of everything

dollyyyyyy where are you why is ur twitter goneeeeee

bc i just got my shifting schedule and im trying to adjust so yeaaaaaaaaa


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