

Ask @juliiaannnaaaa

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is it better to buy an iPhone 6 in a store or 6s directly from another person?

make sure it’s in good conditio, like literally the whole phone . If it glitches or not and shit , so store would b aii but person is cheaper

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???What do you think about long distance relationships?

Bro there’s really no point in trying to have one, it won’t always work out. People are always in need of attention or comfort or sexual desire ,they’ll end up cheating or find someone else 🏻♀️

How fast do you fall in love?

I don’t fall in love w every si for person I date. But I get attached if they’re really nice and caring & give me lots of attention when I want it .

What is being successful?

being successful is accomplishing all your goals and at the end being happy and content.

What do you think about photo courses? Would you like to finish one?

I don’t really know what a photo course is but I’d like to find out and try it

What says "autumn" to you? For me, Pumpkin spice Cliff bars, Starbucks, lip balm and assorted cold essentials spell an oncoming fall.

lmaoo.. um the calm chilly weather , smell of coffee, kids on their way to school, pumpkins and thanksgiving decorations put out in stores , the orange/yellow/red/brown trees or scattered leaves

Do you like to watch boxing? What fight was the most interesting?

no and I've watched some ,the Philippin guy and the Mexican guy w the ginger hair

Leave a message for your future self!

hope I read this in about 2 year .
•stay put ,stay upright ,stay cold, don't care. Know when to and when not too, regardless you will get through it, sooner or later . Don't waste your time on unnecessary things or people. If it's not benefiting you then let go .
It's not for you . Boys are a big no no . Dating is a big no no . You got to wait till you're 18 ,working , w enough credits or already graduated . They don't care about you or your feelings,they all left and lied. Remember that, they're liars, keep your guard up for as long as possible. Don't stay w him if you're w him again . He's not worth it and never was , he hurt you too much at just the age of 14 . He doesn't love you ,he never did . Don't give in and if you did , get away . Leave . Or it'll b to late .. (if he's back) travel more , love more, be more straight up, stay true . To you and to everyone else . Lift your head up when you're feeling down , the pain doesn't last forver . I hope you're happy . Happier than before .

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