

Ask @k_alqallaf_99

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A line to describe what your life is being to you now?

Standing and fighting to began a new better life on my own.

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Do you have any phobias?😵

Ali ♥️
Oh yeah definitely, I'm afraid of heights, insects and most importantly I'm really afraid to lose. To lose in life, to lose in any challenges I'm gonna face later, to lose in my war with my self and the world.
Liked by: Ali ♥️

Tell something about yourself. How old are you, what's your height?Favorite flower,favorite colors?What do you like to watch,what do you like to listen to?Favorite food,favorite cocktail?Your interest, your hobbies?What do you choose- pride or love?

Oh lord I'm not going to remember every thing to answer 😅
Anyways I'll try to answer some. I'm 19, n I don't really have a fav colour but maybe gray. Hmmm I'm not a big fan of movies anymore, but if I'm going to, I'll prefer to watch movies that based on real stories. My fav food is popcorn, I can eat it without stopping, and salmon. My interests are culture and different languages, I'll be really if I learn 3rd language while I'm in uni.

Is there something you don't like?

I'm not sure, what I'm thinking about right now is essays and reports. I have about 5 assignments to do due to next week 😂💔

If you could travel the world with only one person who would you take?

My friend Mariam. She's the funniest person I've ever known, if we are together we'd never stop talking 😅

What do you love about people?

The lightness in them, coz everyone is different and have different type of glow. The more I meet new people the more lightness I would receive from them.

are you enjoying your weekend? whats your plans this week?

It wasn't really bad weekend, but for this week just preparing for a debate and writing essays. I know boring life 😂

What is something you have always wanted to try but have been too scared to ... ?¿

Riding a roller-coaster 🎢🙈

Language: English