

Ask @kambingGila

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eleh teman ak konon .. ye arr 3 buln .. hritu ckp 3 buln .. haha .. ye laa tpi sakit ap pkcikk ?

2minggu jela :p demam je

x de org teman .. eh tok soh nipu .. ak pnya mogok x nk ckp gn kau 3 buln tpi bila baca ask kau hei geram ak nk tnya kau sakit ap ?

meh aku teman :p eh kejamnya 3bulan..aku dah sihat lah

3 months will just go bcause it was a promise n a swear ... sorry but in shaa allah nice word, nice hadis for u too keep remember me in Allah's safe :) allah yuftah alaina ameen :)

hm :3

Shall we look for love, wait for love or forget totally about it?

Let the love find you. Wait for the best to come in your life. Don't wish your life to be like some movie or a novel. They are written by humans and they can make a mistake. Your life is written by Allah and He can never be wrong. Wait for the right time, right moment and the right one :)

Asalullahal adhim, robbal arsyil adhim an-yasyfiyaka... Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku.. Ku berdoa pada Mu..sembuhkanlah sahabatku ini.. Ameen..

trima kaseh kwn :)


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