

Ask @khar9714

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Well every time I try to talk to him he either switches the subject or someone gets into our conversation.

well now you either need to metophorically grow a pair and take charge or sit back and wonder

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Well when him and I broke up, we joke around about losing our virginitys to eachother.. At least I don't think we were joking. And when we are hanging with friends playing games we get paired up all the time..:/

just ask him about things don't be shy

One of my best guy friends I told him I think there is something still between us and he got uncomfortable. But I just want to grab him and kiss him and go further with him. But I don't wanna scare him away. Any advice?

dont do anything to fast work into it

It's not her being chubby that I'm afraid of, it's the age difference. Do you think a junior girl would even consider dating a eighth grade guy?

you never know until you try. just talk to her

I need some advice. Im in eighth grade and I really like this junior (eighth grade is highschool at my school). Not only is this girl 3 yrs older than me, she's a bit chubby and my friends make fun of her behind her back cuz of it. I hav nevr mentioned that I like this girl to any1 what should I do?

im sorry but if you think shes chubby and are afraid of it you shouldnt go for her. if you truely like her who cares about what your friends say or what she is. you like her tell her

I'm fourteen, tall, and skinny but I want to start lifting. Would going straight to bulking up be a bad idea?

all bulking is, is eating a fuck ton. you should do 3 sets of 10 and just eat. I force food down my mouth and eat as much as I can. not crap foods but proteins, complex carbs, supplements things like that

You stole that valor playbook pic from ben

I screenshotted it off some website. I didn't steal anything

She just broke up with her bf on Friday. Should I wait or do it now

give her a little bit longer its been a while since ive been in elementary school so im used to highschool advice do what you feel is best
Liked by: TheBeast4299


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