

Ask @khar9714

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Est-ce que tu aimes le sexe? Le sexe, je veux dire l'activité physique, le coït, tu aimes ça? Tu ne t'intéresses pas au sexe ? Les hommes pensent que les féministes détestent le sexe mais c'est une activité très stimulante et naturelle que les femmes adorent

bien sûr, j'aime le sexe ! voulez-vous d'avoir un peu de sexe longue rude et intense ?

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What can you do that others can't do?

I can be really seductive without touching you in any private areas.
I can lift a lot.
im can die without being afraid of dieing
Liked by: Hannah Grant.

should I text him? I don't want to sound clingy or annoying.

for the last time you wont sound clingy and annoying, just don't be that person who says hey seven times

Sorry it didn't finish. But we talked where he came from and sports and stuff and then he just stopped texting me.. Is that bad or does it mean something?..:/

it means he's probably seeing if he'll be the one always starting a conversation or if you will too

It's the girl that told you about the science kid. I sent him a friend request on Facebook and he started liking my stuff. He likes one of my tbhs and I told him that he was cute and stuff and he asked if we could talk. Well I Gave him my number and he texted me. We talked about where he came from a


I smoke but my boyfriend doesnt and I dont wanna quit but I feel like it bothers him what should I do

ask him how he feels about it. and if he truly likes you he wont csre cause he likes you for you

Isn't it Honor, Commitment, Courage? Intergrity falls under honor.

its pretty much the same thing yes commitment is one of them but you can also say ingerity

How do you overcome fear?

you just do it. I used to be terrified to talk to girls and tell them I think they're attractive, but now I can cause I did it one day. just do it

I swear to god Kellen. Looking at the requirements for the Marines, you would dominate it...

I still have to take the ift and the asvab. im work on out with them tomorrow anyway sooo

I am taking a B12 pill in order to "rush" my metabolism cycle. Is this bad?

its only back if you arent eating right and if you are just sitting on your ass


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