

Ask @khar9714

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He apparently has an Instagram should I follow him or is that creepy haha. No one from my school follows him lol.

follow him

Why do people consume protein power?

its to get a direct source of protein to restore muscles and to create a tighter bond of muscle. its basically something that helps with muscle building

Today in science this girl was talking to him and stuff and I wasn't sure if he looked at him but I haven't even talked to him once and I'm really nervous... What should I say so I don't sound stupid or annoying. And if I say hey it sounds clingy.... By the way it's the girl who asked about the new

just talk to him. you dont know what will happen if you dont man up

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I'm asking just tell

but that's so much effort and i just got finished with upper body day and im sore and I need a back rub

Well, I made a really big fool of myself in class today and I couldn't look at him do you think he cares?...

nah he probably laughed laughed smiled (:

There's this new guy at my school and I have science with him. My friend tells me he looks at me a lot and I think he's very attractive, but I'm playing hard to get and I haven't said one word to him. What should I do? And I'm too scared to talk to him..

man up and smile at him or talk to him. if he looks at you he wants your number

Feelings on Kaylie Mcintosh, Lyndon Burnett, Carly Whiteside, and Jetta Kohler?

Kaylie: she hates me
Lyndon:well I miss being close with her. she was a great friend and I miss that
Carly:she hates me

Who is your best friend?

well I thought it was gavi but I don't think she considers me that anymore. but Jared misgen erik larson and alex keys and kilian Moran and Chaney Mooney and Jeff Pryor are my bros
Liked by: Jade Stanton

This guy and I met on kik friends. We have been talking and he wants something more. Should I be with him? I don't want to get hurt anymore.. He lives in New York and I live in Virginia he's 17 and I'm 15..

if he makes you happy then date. if you have any worries like him cheating or not seeing each other then dont just take time and think about it


Language: English