

Ask @khar9714

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Just ignore those stupid haters dude. Who cares who u date. It's your life so live it to the fullest! Y'all who are saying shit about this guy just needs to back off and mind your own business. Thannkkss! :-)

JeanaKonkowski’s Profile PhotoJeana Konkowski
thank you♥
Liked by: Jeana Konkowski

Really? People here are such hypocrites. Most of you say that love is love and sexual preference isnt a big deal but the second kellen goes for someone younger than him not saying he even has you pop a tit! God there are more important things in life besides age gaps

seriously thank you anon. in 10 years will it even matter if I date someone 3 year older or younger?

have you noticed you have gotten hate for going for younger girls this isnt the first time someones said something who said you dated one no one

seriously then fuck off who the fuck cares

Hottest sophomore girl that you know at TRidge, Vista, Valor, Ranch, and RC?

I don't know a lot of sophomores but
valor:Grace Collins if she's even a sophomore
ranch:I can't decide
canyon; Rachel b
Vista: I don't think i know one
tridge: don't know any


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