

Ask @khar9714

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I don't want to be one of those percents..

then text me. I reply to everyone now unless the conversation is like yeah coold or so

What gift would you like to receive on the upcoming holidays?

everything and anything that has to do with lifting supplements. and headphones

how come u stopped talking to everyone?

cause most people just piss me off sometimes. that's like 10%. otherrs just dont know how to keep a conversation going. that's 60%. the last 30% just know how to annoy me. I respond to the majority if people now so text me

this was a few weeks ago. but why make me feel like u like me when u have feelings for savannah ?

I just started to sooooo

because I know u like her a lot... but still. don't lead on other girls when u have your eye on someone. its kinda messed up.

I haven't talked to anyone in the past like two weeks besides her and a few really close friends.


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