

Ask @khar9714

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*so you do like someone because you want to cuddle*

I don't have to like someone to cuddle. yet I could like someone cause I just want them to be mine

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why is my argument invalid

well for starters just because I don't like someone doesn't mean I'm not looking. I don't have to always like someone. secondly, those pictures are what I want to do in a relationship. third off, you don't even know my brain. maybe I do like someone I just say no cause I don't wanna say it. or maybe I'm actually saying no cause I don't have one.

why do u post all these pictures of how u want a cute couple and u want cuddling but ur just like I don't have a crush or I don't like anyone like if u liked someone u would have a cute couple

actually no. just stop talking. your argument is invalid on so many levels

You guys would be so cute tho!!! Would you ever think of her like that? She's like perf!

I used to like her. it didn't work.

soooo I'm asking you a question..did we just become best friends?

um I actually have a girl bestfriend. but we can be friends


Language: English