

Ask @khar9714

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There is this guy I can't stop thinking about and I can't move on. From him.... He likes me too.... Only thing is he lives on the other side of the country. Idk what to do

if you are willing to take the risk and are able to trust him. try and long distance relationship. I always find them the cutest love stories

Do you think it is right to keep wild animals in a zoo?

its kind of how you view it. if you only view it as animals being locked up and trained then its bad but also you have to consider that we are taking this animals out of the wild where they are away from poachers.

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Do you still have feelings for gavi? I think you guys would be cute together. You and summer are good together but gavi and you would be adorable!

why am I getting so many questions about her and I?.
Liked by: Regan Charis Rouse

How do I tell him I may have feelings for him... Or do I at all

its better to try and see what happens then not and wonder what could have

We broke up two years ago...... I completely forgot him till seeing that

still you liked him you dated hI'm no matter what he will always have a special place in your heart.

I saw my exes ex talking about going to homecoming with him this year and I don't know why but I'm kinda pissed if she does. What do I do

because you had feelings for the guy so you're gonna be jealous. and what you have to do is just let it go and be open to new guys. don't let a guy hold you back from meeting someone special


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