

Ask @khar9714

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Truth is you're the best Kel and you've helped me through so so much and honestly I don't even think I'd be here without your help. You're truly my closest friend eve though we might now talk everyday I know you're there for me and I'll always be there for you. I love you Kel<3 text me okay? Okay :)

tnicks00’s Profile PhotoTaylor Nichols (✔)
I love you so much Taylor. thank you for this and I hope you know ill always be by your side♥(:

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Kellen. In so disgusted with my self, I want to make myself throw up. I'm so out of shape and it's really hitting me right now. I'm honestly disgusted. I don't know what to do ):

don't make yourself throw up that's for sure. making yourself throw up will hurt your body to a point where you'll need medical attention. what you need to do is if you feel like you're really out of shap is just start exercising more. go for a run walk. and evey time in crease what you previously did. push yourself and oush your limits cause that's how you could better. actually if you eat good foods and exercise you'll be in better shape quicker
Liked by: Audrey Melton

Your so cold you played Reagan just like very other girl the only difference is Reagan is to stupid to get over you

okay, hold up. I do not play any girl. I guess today people don't know the difference between being sweet and flirting. I actually have never played a girl and if I did I'm sorry. I had no intention of doing it. and regan is the farthest thing from stupid. she's sweet caring and very smart. just because I didn't date a giel that liked me and I didn't like back doesn't make me a player.
Liked by: Dakota⚽

Gavi is not worth it and u know who u should be with

so what your saying is that my bestfriend of three years isn't worth it, just because you want me with regan? I was honestly going to be nice with you until you just said my Bestfriend was not worth it. I'd like to see you have a bestfriend of the opposite gender for so long and not fall for her/him. I'd like to see you not want her over anyone. next time you come to me with assumptionss maybe you should understand me first

Bro she dumped Dan because she didn't feel right about it liking you and dating him she told you that right?

no. again she doesn't tell me much anymore. and I'm pretty sure they didn't even date, as much as have feelings for each other
Liked by: Kaylin

Well regan only liked you shed only want to be with you and she still only wants to be with you

you honestly don't know a thing about her. yes she probably will have feelings for me, but why don't you ask her about dan? (:

Did you ever like Regan back or did you just break her heart oh wait either way lol asshole

"oh wait either way lol asshole"? that made 0 sense to me. anyway, I didn't have an intention on breaking her heart. I actually did like her, but it didn't seem like I was the only one, because her ask made it seem like she had feelings for other guys too. maybe you should hear the entire story before assuming things. Regan and I are still close friends. we hang out and talk and we enjoy the time we spend together. no, I am not an asshole, an asshole would have lead her on and made her think he fell for her. which I didn't. I was barely aware of the facr that she fell in love with me.

How would you discribe sex

describe* and well its like coming together with a girl/guy you feel special with. its an amazing feeling because after it you feel better because it releases so much stress, it burns calories, and it releases a lot of different good things in your body. like I don't know how to describe it besides its amazing

But your relationships always seems to involve a girl who will give u sex or is up to having sex. I bet there isn't one relationship where u didn't have a form of sex

that's great. its not like we both said, "okay we will have sex tomorrow!" it was just in the moment thing. it just happened. its not like I force them or say, "okay, sex now or its over" it doesn't really matter to me. ITS JUST IN THE MOMENT KIND OF THING.

You'll probably just fuck her and leave then

actually no. listen I don't do that. you may think that I'm a heartless asshole whon uses girls for everything. which if you actually knew me then you'd understand that I respect girls...
Liked by: Kendra wheeler hi


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