

Ask @khar9714

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I really like you and I wish I could date you buy I know you don't want to

who is this. maybe if we talked more it would change.

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Would you ever have sex with a girl that has no ass or boobs? like if you were dating

if the time was right. we wanted to. and I really liked her then hell yes. just because a girl doesn't have boobs or ass doesn't mean a thing
Liked by: Paige Stapley

How do you give a good blowjob/hand job?? Like what does it consist of

I've actually answered this already so scroll down.

How do you know If you have had enough foreplay and are ready

well you have to feel it. you can't have so much foreplay that you finish, just enough where you both are turned on and want it. youu have to feel it. you cant really put a time on it.

What's the hottest thing a girl can wear? Like what turns you on the most.

okay these are two different questions...what a girl wears: it doesn't matter really.
turn ons
on a girl:
what she does
-neck biting.
-lip biting
-making out crazy
-playing with my hair
-an amazing back massage.
-dry humping
-quite moaning.
Liked by: Regan Charis Rouse

Paragraph with your ideal sex experience?

that's a fantasy that I shall not ever share until it happens


Language: English