

Ask @khar9714

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Hey I know you don't know me and you have a girl friend but I want to talk to you. Text me! # 7203578580

well alrighty (:

Pass(: gotta get to know you a little but you're an attractive guy. I say that with much respect to your relationship though(:

well thank you (:

What is the worst gift you have ever received?

a used condom. with a note saying, "this is where you should be"
Liked by: Jordan

Thoughts on natalie tucker, taylor howard, regan rouse

natalie:that's a joke
taytay:I wuv her even though we don't talk anymore
regan:I love her she's always been there for me and she's been such a great help. thank you regan and I'm glad we always end up being friends♥
Liked by: Regan Charis Rouse

thoughts on allie u, kaelyn h, delilah r, jade s, and kenz c?

allie:don't know her
kaelyn:she's like amazing and one of my closest friends..
delilah:she's amazing and so sweet. we talked for like three days then stopped. I hope she's doing well and she's really pretty.
jade:we talked once and she's super great and funny and we should more.
kenz:which one?
Liked by: Delilah Raeann


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