

Ask @khar9714

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It makes me sick wanting to be done but it would be easier. Makeup didn't make people think I'm good enough all the smiles didn't and even after starving myself to lose weight and be pretty people still tell me how I'm fat and not good enough

see this is why I hate society because everyone has their definition of perfect and if you dont look like it then they will judge. but you need to realize that you are beautiful, you are skinny, and you don't need to starve or smear makeup all over to be what society wants us to be. you need to realize that you are beautiful. and you cant let people shape you into something you're not. no matter what you do there will be judgers and haters. but you need you to be happy about yourself and happy with who you are not what everyone thinks

I'm not though. People always tell me that I'm ugly and gross

people are fucking stupid. they dont knoe shit. I honestly think you're probably insanely gorgeous. and probably a lot of other peopel do.

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hey, we talked today. for like 10 minutes. you probably thought that i was really happy. i wasnt. im suicidal. majorly.

text me right now please

So if life sucks so bad and it's such a fight to be happy why not just stop it all

because life has ups and downs. dont end it because something bad happened. think of it this way think of life like a bow and you as an arrow. when the bow or life pulls you back , what eventually happens? you'll get shot forward into something better.

But I'm not pretty. I'm really ugly

bullshit. you are pretty every girl is pretty. no matter what. I bet you're drop dead gorgeous. I bet you are.

I don't really know who you are. But I think it's amazing that you would take the time out of your day to write out those paragraphs and try to stop someone from ending their life. It's actually amazing and from that alone you're an awesome guy.

thank you. I appreciate you taking time out of your life to appreciate it. I hate seeind people wanna die. so anyone who is considering it please come to me

I'm just ... Done like they don't even know me and they judge me it's not fair!

that's life though. people get judged for doing anything. I get judged because I have younger friends. but those people just judge because they are jealous. they don't know shit about you and you shouldn't be bothered by that because you know who you truely are or what truely happened and these fuckers are just jealous. I'm being serious. life ain't all sunshine and rainbows it will beat you down and it will keep you there of you let you.but you have to keep getting back up. I did. and I'm happier than ever. I was bullied daily. non stop for four years. but every time it happened I bounced back up and said fuck that I'm me they don't know me. and you should do that too

Nobody would miss me I'm told constantly how much of a mess up I am so it would just make it easier. I just want to stop hurting and puttin on the fake smile everyday!! I want it to stop

listen to me. people care. someone will always care about you. look you have some guy on ask caring about you because he doesn't wanna see you die. people really care. and to all those people saying youre a screw up or whatever they say, fuck them you dont need them in your life. yes I know how hard it is to not take it to heart but you have to realize that sitting around and letting them ruin who you are isn't worth it when you have people who actually love and care for you. I also do know how it is to fake smiles to make people go away but you have to find things that truely make you smile. a sport. poetry. running. anything you'd like besides self harm. please listen to me. you are so worth it. in every way. everything you do has an affect on the world. no matter what. please

Have you ever felt like you just want to end it all just curl up in a dark corner an cry for hours? How do you deal with it cuz I'm there right now and idk why or what to do;(

what I do is I sit there and think what would happen if I did end it? I think about all the people I would hurt, all the people thats hearts would shatter and the tears they'd shed just because I ended my life. I imagine having someone find my dead lifeless body and the terrifying shreek theyd give. and the shaking they'd have. I imagine all my family and friends coming to my funeral wishing they'd have me back and could say one more thing to me. also I think about how far I've come. I've made it all the way to my teens and highschool. I've made it far and I've tried so many different things. I think that if I die now what wouldn't I get to see. like me walking accross red rocks and grabbing that diploma. I think that I will never get to see the love of my lifes face. or kiss her on my wedding day. I think about everything I have done. I helped so many people that need me. you can't give up. you have come so far and so many people truely care about you and would be devastated if you died. please don't do it.

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How many girls have you banged? How many times have you fucked?

this information is private if you wanna know text me

What are the girls names that you know from ridge/vista?

regan and there's another that I can't think of

hey doll:) don't let these mean people get to you hun

hey there (: and don't worry I wont(: I'm stronget than that (:


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