

Ask @khar9714

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Person you respect the most? least?

I respect a lot of people and the person I respect the least is regan

You don't trust me? ): how rude..../:

No I hate you savannah gosh... lol I'm kidding I do trust you I'm pretty sure its obvi

Annie Nelson??

She's great. I've met her like twice but we barely talk. Shes so pretty and soo funny and really sweet. Her and parker are great together. She should text me sometime (:

Natalie Davis??

She's amaZing and so pretty. We haven't talked a lot but we met the other day and she's so funny and aweet and I can't wait to become closer
Liked by: Natalie Davis

Tbh. Kellcat, I miss you. You have always been there for me when I've needed you, and you've never once put me down. You're an amazing person, and I truly hope you believe that about yourself. Text me so we can catch up.

TaylorJordynnHoward’s Profile PhotoTaylor Jordynn Howard
Love you taybear. I miss you so much and thank you♥

Thoughts on Savannah Cooper? She's a total slut, and I hate her.

* thoughts on savannah cooper? She's a total sweetheart, and I love her. Shes amazing a nd beautiful and deserves the best. Shes so caring and she's always been there for me and I'm so happy I know her.
I think that's what you meant


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