

Ask @khar9714

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Thoughts on Savannah?

Thanks for asking this twice (; anyway. I love her. Shes amazing and I'm so happy I've gotten to know her ovrr the past three years. Weve had the best times and I cant wait to make hundreds more. Like the tutor room. And consumer (: well she's never left my side ever and that makes me happy cause she's always been there whenever I'm sad or depressed. I hate the fact how she's moved.I want her to come to ranch. But if it weren't for her I'd be dead probably. Shes one of the ttwo that's never ever ever left my side and I'm so happy I get to call her my friend♥♥♥♥

What's Taylor nichols like? i really like her

God she's amazing. Shes so sweet and she's really caring and she is such a trustworthy girl. I'm not gonna say much but ahe has a perfect boyfriend

Thoughts on lauren motazedi.

She's hilarious. I met her last night and we should talk more she seems really great

If you had to choose a type of color that you thought represented yourself, which would it be?


Thoughts on Rylie Anderson?:)

She's great. And she's a great softball player. She needs to text me back. Shes really short too (; but that's okay andddd we need to hang soon

no you don't because i wouldn't come across your mind in a million years I honestly hate you for it Kellen. i hate you

Listen. I want you to understand that you probably do come accross my mind. And I'm sorry you hate me. But will you please text me.

Maybe you have no idea who this is

Then why don't you text me or tell me who it is. Cause I'm pretty positive I know who it is


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