

Ask @khar9714

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Who do you want to help? Who do you feel like they're going through a time they don't deserve?

I want to help anyonw and everyone that needs a friend or someone to vent to. I hate seeing people upset and feel like they are alone and don't have anyone. Ill always be here for anyone just ttext me 303-889-9126 and there's a few people: maya, megan, Emily, and pretty much anyone. No one deserves to be upset. AgainI'm here

Thoughts in regan rouse? Didn't she lead you on?

She's really sweet and funny. And no she didn't lead me on. She never has

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Strongest girl and guy you know? Like at the moment.

Girl: there's a couple: amaya, gavi, gabby and guy: I don't really know

You really dislike me. I've messaged you once. You unfriended me on Facebook and you won't let me follow you on Instagram. I'm sorry for whatever I've done mate :/

Who is this? Text me please 303-889-9126

Who do you feel the most sorry for?

This guy that lose the most incredible and perfect girl that deserves the best

Who in your opinion, is going through the toughest time right now?

Emily engelbert or megan mondragon.

Who is the happiest person you know?

Not many people are truly happy anymore. It's mainly fake smiles and fake people

You're such a pussy you complain too much also

Coming from the one who's telling me this behind a computer screen. Check yourself bud. Don't call mr a pussy if you can't say something to my face. And sorry its not complaining its called getting your emotions out and if you understand what I've been through then you'd do the same thing.

If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Anything linkin park

And she's ugly you forgot about that . She has a rockin body though

No she's not ugly. She's gorgeous. She's amazing and she's just the bestest person alive. Dont fucking say she's ugly cause she's not. You are.

Why do u hit on summer she's too good for you she's in eighth grade and your in 11th that's weird. Like really weird and she is a cutie but you don't need to post it every four pictures

I'm in 10th correction. And I'm not hitting on her. We are just great friends. And yeah i know she's too good for me everyone is. I know I'm ugly a gross and weird. I'm never good enough I know this. Summers 100 times better then me and I would never want to ruin our friendship and would you text me. And maybe I can talk you and explain this

What's your favorite thing about where you live?

Who I've met. I've met 4 people that have really made a difference in my life


Language: English