

Ask @khar9714

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What do you mean by you may get something?

Like you may get some hurtful things from some people because they are mean and don't think people should be allowed to date others of a different age. I have personally experienced this and it sucks, but when you really like the person it doesn't matter.

Would a freshman dating a senior be wrong?

Not really. I mean you may get something,but I don't see anything wrong with it if you two really like eachother and are willing.

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Kellen. I love you so much. Your amazing and the strongest person I have ever met. And it was me in the last one(: so no one will punch you, in the face, with a hammer(: haha and whoever is rude to you I will kick their asses and hurt them. Hahaha I love you! Forever and always <3

I love you too. You are just so amazing and such a sweetheart and I love talking to you cause you always know the right thing to say. And you are way more amazing then I am. Without a doubt:) And I will do the same to whoever is rude to you because you don't deserve that at all. You are way too great for hate. I love you and yes Forever and Always<3


Well I have only 2 friends that ever call me that but I bet 2048203857$ that it's Maya and if I am wrong then I will let you punch me, in the face, with a hammer

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