

Ask @khar9714

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Well they dont feel like it. I mean look at all the questions you have that say that "i love you but you wouldnt like me back"

Do you understand that every single human being on this planet that is single feels like they won't have a chance with certain people.. I see attractive girls all the time and I always say I'll never have a chance its life and simple brain properties. Its not just them everyone believes it and its life.
Liked by: Lexi Marie Totzke

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Because theyre intmidated by you! And dont think theyre good enough. Try and text girls first to make them feel like they actually have a chance.

All girls have a chance with me.

I meant you have the two perfect sides of boyfriend material! The personality and friendliness and also the sexuality part as well! :-D

Then please explain why I'm single(;
Liked by: Jade Stanton

Youre seriously the cutest person ive ever met and i wanna be your best friend but youre also sexy af and ... lets fuck

What every happened to having a nice conversation? Hmu

Would you ever have a long distance relationship?

I would just she would have to make me trust her.

You dated Summer during first though?

Yes hense why I said I've been single since first semester. I dated summer in first semester and left her in first semester

hot or not: hot, virgin or not: yes, smart or dumb: smart, single or taken: single, athletic or lazy: athletic, nice or rude: nice, age: 16

Thanks cutie. Except I'm 17. Hmu sometime(:

whoever said that to you is an ass. there is someone out there who will love you no matter what path you take in life. keep your head up Kellen (:

She isn't an ass, she's honest. Its completely true. But thanks
Liked by: Kaylea Woodby


Language: English