

Ask @khar9714

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haha you dont know me and i dont know you but i see your answers on my dash all the time and you're just very handsome!(: what school do you go to?

highlands ranch (: you?

I am going to try I just I hate this

I know its hard but you have to be strong you cant gIve up. if you need me text me 303-889-9126

Honest opinion of Nicole King???

she's great and so sweet and reslly funny
we have the best conversations and we need to hang soon. she always knows how to boost my spirits she's so pretty and really csring♥

You are honestly an amazing and inspirational person. It's great how understanding and helpful you are to everyone. :)

Sienna Hoff
thank you for this it means a lot to me for you to say that♥

If I ignore them it's worse! I can't even eat dinner without them commenting on my weight or anything

when they say something look them straight in the eye and say the things you say affect me. they hurt my feelings snd make me feel like crap. then walk away. show them that what they do affects who you are. be strong with it and show them you're better than that

Maggie gibb?? Honest opinion?? Rylee walker or Maggie gibb??

maggie is wonderful she's so sweet and caring and she needs to come back to ranch. and maggie

How can I get it to stop I have almost ended it be aide if how mean they are and I am never good enough for them

please you cant let them get to you. you are who you are and they can go fuck themselves for not realizing what amazing and beautiful child they have. just don't show them it gets to you. whenever they say something ignore them and don't give them the rise they want.

It's so hard to wake up to people that disapprove of you so much and those people being your family! I can't do it it hurts and I have tried to tell her that and she still won't stop it listen she just yells at me and grounds me and tells me how horrible I am and how selfish I am

which is bullshit and shouldn't be happening to you. I understand the pain of waking up and wondering how the closest people will hurt you. but listen they don't know you even if they are family.you have to realize that you are amazing anf whatever they say isn't true because what they say is bullshit. you're beautiful and you have the right to say stop and you aren't selfish. your family is for thinking its okay to say thingd like that.

My mom keeps yelling at me and making me feel insecure about my looks and weight and idk what to do. I was finally starting to feel ok with myself and she just keeps making it worse. I am really struggling with not continuously hating myself and I'm starting to starve myself again:/

no do not starve yourself. that's the worst thing you can do to yourself hun. your mom, I'm not trying to be mean, but she's blind. I doubt you are fat or whatever. you don't need to starve yourself because you are perfect the way you are. you arent fat and you shouldn't be insecure because you are you and again you are amazing the way you are. you don't need to change yourself just because some asshole is saying false accusations. you are beautiful. you sre skinny. and you don't need to stsrve yourself. be happy with who you are sweety. that's what some guy will fall in love with and that's who your friends love. you are beautiful the way you are.

All for the same reason huh? Maybe, just maybe Kellen it was always you from the start that made me like that? Anyways, I just thought you should be the attention you deserved. Sooooo. Sport if you took that the wrong way. But okay.

Regan Charis Rouse
regan I don't need attention to be happy. I need myself and I to be happy. I'm sorry that you feel this way but maybe it wasn't entirely my fault regan

Calm the fuck down people. I didn't mean it in a mean way. But it's true. Kellen doesn't get the attention he should, that's all I meant. Okay? K. so kellen your answer about not caring anymore, and losing all respect towards me doesn't surprise me. When did you ever care.

Regan Charis Rouse
regan you never really understood me. I always fucking cared if you haven't noticed I care about people I don't even know on the internet under an anonymous user. the only reason I stopped caring with, and this was about a week ago when I did, was due to the fact that you were extremely rude to me snd brought up some very hurtful subjects. I'm not saying we'll never be friends again but if you want to be you will need to prove yourself on how I can be your friend. this matter has occured three spperate times.

Kellen and I have actually had very many talks about himself as well as talks about me. So i obviously care about Kellen and i find your comment a little rude Regan I'm sorry if it wasn't but I'm sure its the way that a lot of people have taken it.

thank you for caring but I don't really care what she has to say to me anymore. ive lost all respect towards her and if this is what's shell do then who cares


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