

Ask @khar9714

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TBH. I LOVE YOU.. & I MISS YOU SO MUCH like honestly let's to get something to eat soon or something(: text me later♡ you're amazing

I love you (:

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How to gain muscle fast?

Well its not something that's easily gained. You need to be dedicated to lifting 6 days a week and eating more than enough protein and eating healthy. I gain about 5lbs a month-2 months of muscle while bulking
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why do people say they love each other after two weeks

You know why? Its cause there's only two options in that relationships
1)you'll marry each other
2) you'll break up
And hell if you like the person why just like them. To me that's like putting 50% of the effort you have into it. Love is 90% and marriage is 100%.
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I love looking at your feed cuz all I see is ignorant pussies who wanna be you and hate you cuz you slay and take their dream girl away  and yes I just fucking rhymed I'm that cool 

DAT rhymeing tho. Haha love you bro
Liked by: Hargi

That's what she's telling the hole school .....

Okay? Dude I have 253 more days in HR. 253 days till I graduate and I don't give a single fuck what any of y'all are saying.
Liked by: James A

tbh. baby♡ I fucking love you too the moon and back(: there's noting I don't like about you. you're going so far in life and I honor you for that. follow your dreams babe you got this. I'm proud of you (:

Thank you Brady(:
Liked by: Hargi Jade Stanton


Language: English