

Ask @khar9714

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why did you guys break up so many guys want her and your stupid for breaking up with her are you friends with her

nigga her and I are still friends

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Okay sounds good. Hopefully I'll actually be able to do it. I'm so scared

youll be able to! Just dont over do it

Okay dude I'm down. But I can still barely do legs. So how bout arms/ shoulders/ back/ abs? And cardio

my saturday is my pump day so all upper and a run after (:

Like some of my answers? I'm a loser looking for friends : P

I dont know that requires energy and im eating :/

Hey do you want to go to the gym tomorrow maybe?

hey I wish but i have to lift with the football squad stranger.

How do you know Hannah Pino?

she dated my best friend and then she needed someone to talk to so I was there and talked to her. we arent that close anymore sadly

What does working out at the gym have over working out at home?

at the gym you get weights and machines at home all you have is bodyweight and small dumbbells if you buy em

I can't say.. At least not yet. Because I know you don't feel the same..

just come out and say hi its all bueno it wont be weird

Damn. If only it was that easy. & you're welcome bae <3 It's true.

whom is this im curious to know

You are seriously perfect.. Like woah. I wish you liked me back.

well it may help if you talked to me but thank you♥

why dont You answer anything anymore?

maybe its cause I DONT GET ANY QUESTIONS


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