
kristen johnson

Ask @kristenbabe14

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What do you have planned for this weekend?

wellp possibly dying my hair
but idk man if anyone wanna chill lets chill this weekend

3 people you tell everything to?

You know what is so fucking annoying?
When I have been trying to be there for someone and they don't even realize it. Lol. Okay. I'll just stop then. Go on. Deal with it yourself. Clearly you don't need my help.
Liked by: Christian Michelle

I love you, and you will get through this. Keep telling yourself to stay positive, because right now you're telling yourself you can't take it, when really you can. You can, you just have to keep telling yourself you can. Never say can't because the people who say can't never put effort into trying

You're the best honestly. I'm so glad I have you.

It takes time, but it will get better. I am not just saying that out of the blue. But I promise you it'll be 10x better when you're not at home all the time, you'll have more freedom with being at the HS. Don't listen to what anything negative your parents say about you. It's far from true, Ipromise

I love u so much

You've got a meaning for being here, you may not feel like being here will help you with your struggles as of right now. But your depression or any mental illnesses do not define you, they don't take over you either. They feel like they do, but once you escape it, you'll be able to breathe.


Do not EVER think your worth is not important. You matter too people. You're a big part of my life Kristen. The drugs won't let you escape that. Babe.. I don't like you feeling the way you do, you don't deserve all the pain. Not one bit of it, never think you do either.


- Rant

kristen johnson
Does anybody else know what it feels like to cry yourself to sleep, and feel so fucking hopeless? Like you feel drugs would be the only answer to let you escape? I feel so fucking hopeless and don't know how i'm ever going to fucking get through this. Hearing your own mom saying she hates you and that your the worst child ever.. and hearing your own dad saying it's all your fault for the fights.. Yeah it fucking sucks. I have lost so many friends and I even feel like i'm losing my family, they have no faith in me and nobody understands my struggles. They just think its for "Attention". No. Depression and shit like this is not for attention, even when you're getting help it is STILL a struggle when you live in a home with people who hurt you constantly. I seem so happy, I smile and I laugh all the time, but am I really happy? No. It's just a face I put on so people don't see how much pain I have but I have to let it out at some point. I don't know what to do anymore or who to go to. I have maybe 1 person who seems to understand me but the rest? They really don't care, they'll replace me tomorrow anyway.

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Why are t you at big lake schools anymore

I hate most people at that school, most of them are hella immature and I just need to start fresh with new people

What's wrong ?!?!?😩😩😩😩

I really just don't know how i'm going to survive living here in this house anymore. My parents have no hope in me I swear.
Liked by: krystle

How many people usually watch your snapchat story?

I don't know, when I had my snap it was like usually around 60 or 70 people but now I don't have it so idk


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