
kristen johnson

Ask @kristenbabe14

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Ever hit a guy in the nuts?

Yeah lol by accident tho. It was my sisters ex boyfriend. I ran up to him and I was going to kick him in the legs so he would fall but instead I slipped and kicked him in the nuts. oops.

If you don't mind me asking, how did you try killing yourself?

it's a very traumatic way so I don't know if I wanna explain lol . but yeah it was bad.

Yea that?

I'm in treatment for my depression and anxiety, cause I attempted suicide so I got sent from in patient to out patient. Anddd because of my "drug use" which I don't think I had a problem but my parents thought I did lmao

What school you got to?

I'm in treatment rn so I'm at ivan sand community high school but when I get out I'm starting at Monticello high school.


Language: English