
Purru | Lemon

Ask @lemonpurru

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You're stuck on an island. How would you spend your time?

I'm sorry, what?
I would lie down under palm tree reading book, enjoying the calm and beautiful white sand beach and the blue sky, swimming and simply enjoying my time there. Are you kidding me? Private island is the best!
Well... Thay's unless I'm lost there. Probably I would actually enjoy myself, full of hope waiting for the rescue but then when no one found me, I tried to survive there.
Youre stuck on an island How would you spend your time

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How is your family different from others?

My siblings and I are super derpy people who love making ugly and awkward expressions and crazy things. We're a bunch of dorks and carefree people I don't think some others can tolerate.

hai kak, kita jual jasa untuk applikasi berbayar di appstore/playstore, dengan bayar 50k sudah dapat 200app. untuk reseller 100k/bulan, dan 250k(selamanya). untuk selanjutnya di ig @dagreen_shop. bantu promot juga ya kak😉

Oh gosh this is incredible
hai kak kita jual jasa untuk applikasi berbayar di appstoreplaystore dengan

if you can go anywhere, which country you want to go?

1. For future living : Australia, Singapore, or Germany
2. For delusional shit if I become a billionaire one day : CA/LA, England

ya kan di dalem kereta juga bisa disebut "warga" mon. hahaha tapi lebih cocok disebut penumpang sih. :P

baiklah haha

Which room do you spend the most time in your house?

bedroom or living room (since I'm used to fall asleep on couch lol)

What is one happy thing that's happened to you today?

Today is still early and tbh nothing better happened yet. Maybe later?

baru visit ke moment nya lemon. itu copetnya ga diapa2in sama warga?

....ini di kereta
Dan, no, ga diapa2in lol ada yg tau tp diem aja. Society these days...

lemon suka new encounter gitu kan, so how would you like to meet new people, especially via internet?

new encounter maksudnya apa? join communities and forums online, find real people instead of blind dates lol, find people with same interests, make friends

Do you believe in destiny? What's yours?

meeting up with people in the past and learn from them.. also the upcoming meetings and people in the future.
Liked by: Lha

tempat karaokenya yang daerah jaksel aja mon XD

eee jaksel... ga sering main ke jaksel so tp katanya di Blok M ada tempat karaoke jeoang gt hahah

Why is a healthy lifestyle so trendy now?

isn't that good? even when people do that for bandwagon, still good rite?

Mon, biasanya karaoke dimana? rekomen tempat karaoke yang lengkap anisong nya dong

Limelight? :>

Hehe sorry if the way I'm talking make u uncomfortable >"<. Bi was asked me ab the AFA in Indonesia the one u tag her in. So I'm just wondering whenever you'll come to SG for AFA cause I've been convicing here to join the event with me this year. I'm Zess btw , one of Bi's friend ^^

ZessAmano’s Profile PhotoZess Amano
NONO hahha I was just confused. So it was you, Zess! Yeaahhh I wanna go so bad! Thanks dear hehehe

Glad to heard it ^^. I cant wait to meet you in person xd. I'm sure Bi chan will be happy to see you , too ^o^


Will you come to AFA SG this November >"<?

I'm planning to, tbh. Gonna meet a good friend of mine but let's see.. I have final thesis + work atm so I am kinda occupied. Also if my scars are healed completely by the time (sobs) and I have nothing to do... why not? ;v;

What would your DJ name be?

sth with my online alias, like Purru, Pru, Mon etc or if I have to use real name, I would use my last name since it's very unique and rare

apa yang kamu lakukan kalo ada orang mau nabrak kamu sedangkan kamu lagi bengong? maaf random banget lagi bosen akut nih. :)

berkelit dengan lincah

Do you like to act spontaneously or plan things? Why?

most of the times things didn't go as planned, so I do things spontaneously hahahah

if you can eat only one food on your life, what will you have?

madness. really. bread.
I just can't resist bread..

How do you know that you're in love?

W-when someone stays in your mind day/night long, also the first and last you think every time you wake up and sleep..
Probably just a crush, love is deeper than that. Idk, when you see beauty through flaws? When you prays for someone's happiness over yours?
Call it stupid, but probably that's love?
Liked by: Eien Mihoshi Kei

What do you think of dressing up pets?

Bells or collars are fine. Ppl will notice the pet belongs to someone. But not too much like weird cut or color dye :(

menurut kamu, mendingan orang2 yang pake narkoba ato orang2 yang korupsi yang pantas dihukum mati?

(org yg pake narkoba biar aja mati sendiri)
org yg sebar2 narkoba sama korupsi.. ya dua2nya ajalah

numpang nanya, aku pny masalah pas ngelepasin contact lens terutama sblh kiri. koq bisa ya? pdhl pas ngelepas yg kanan ga perna bermasalah. giliran yg kiri selalu susah ngelepasinnya. ada yg tau solusinya? :( aku sk bgt pake contact lens tp klo gni trus jd pgn pensiun .___.

Karena bukan dokter dan gatau keadaan aslinya gimana jadi jawab setau gw aja ya..
1. coba cek lens nya rusak/sobek apa ngga soalnya kadang sobeknya ga keliatan, pas dipake kerasa ga enak <-- pernah
2. ganti lens. siapa tau masalah nya ada di lens. bakteri/debu mikroskopik dll
3. sering tetes dan kalo bisa pake < 9 jam per hari, siapa tau kering
4. cek mata, paling penting. bisa aja matanya infeksi.. dulu ada temen sampe ketarik selaput kornea apa apanya gitu. tapi dia bisa lagi pake kok... Kalo yg Ini sih konsul dokter mata aja ya
ya intinya pake contact lens jaga kebersihan tangan & lens. gw jg suka jorok si.. istirahat aja dulu gausah pake lens kalo emang matanya ga enak

"Iron Man resign dari avengers karena dia sedih, semua teknologi nya kalah sama energi yang membangkitkan ultron dan vision. Yaitu energi batu bacan" Ibaratnya kyk dukun/obat tradisional lebih ampuh (lebih dipercaya) daripada dokter ya.. Niatnya mau bercanda malah diseriusin ~.~


aslinya iron man di komik marvel mati loh. kamu tau ga? :"(

Yah jangan dong ;;-;;
Mau baca komiknya Tp gatau mulai dari mana.. ada link ga? ><

Iron Man resign dari avengers karena dia sedih, semua teknologi nya kalah sama energi yang membangkitkan ultron dan vision. Yaitu energi batu bacan

Ibaratnya kyk dukun/obat tradisional lebih ampuh (lebih dipercaya) daripada dokter ya..

Would you rather be royalty or a reality TV star?

Probably Real TV Star.
It's always fun living someone else's life. It's probably called real but it's not totally real and you kinda have to act based on script while do the real deal. My two fave activities in one. Get to bird with one stone, plus they pay you, so why not?

who is your favorite character in Avenger? tell me your reasons too..

Good timing. I just watched yesterday 8)
I can't actually decide based on personality. They're one team and together they make perfect team. As character, probably none or all of them.
This might be boring and annoying to read cause it's kinda bias, but as actor, I freaking looooove RDJ. He portrays Iron Man really well. His character, Iron Man, a billionaire and mad genius? What a sexy combination ahhaha I love that he was not born superhuman, but supergenius.
Also, have to add : Jarvis. Voice. Is. So. Damn. Sexy. As. Hell. I've always liked his voice but then he got his visual, The Vision. He's so damn sexy, especially when he was just born. That damn red artificial flesh looked so good on him. I liked him more and more.
Capn Murrica, Bby Thor, and Sexy Black Widow are my next favorite <3 Others are least fave but still love them a lot. I love all of them. You don't know how I said 'Sexy Shit!' all the time while watching the movie.
I have to say, Avenger is a completely fangirling moment. Sorry for this stupid answer. It's a shame, though. At least you know what a noob think about the story/movie. I'd love to research and read more about the story too :>

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Liked by: Stephanie Julianti


Language: English