
Purru | Lemon

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Hai gaes, seberapa penting sih membeli original goods bagi kalian dikala sekarang ini replika dengan kualitas sama persis dan sharing hasil pembajakan gampang ditemui dimana-mana?

cannaria’s Profile PhotoBurung Kenari
Kalo gw ga suka barang replika ato no brand yg ada logo brand nya.. Soalnya jelek hahaha dan keliatan banget palsu dan murah. No brand ya no brand sekalian gitu, mau branded jg liat2 kantong.
Beli original lebi kepada appreciation ke pembuat nya si.. Pernah ngerasain semacam Art Thief ga? Karya lo diambil orang dan diklaim buatan dia sendiri? Gitu aja rasanya ga enak bgt gimana sampe karya lo yg lo anggap anak sendiri dijual bebas, dibajak, dan dimodif tanpa seizin lo lol. Pencipta karya pasti ngerti lah rasanya karya lo diutak atik klien ato qc.
Ya gw jarang banget belanja si tp ya inget2 itu aja sih kalo beli...

You wake up and find your gender switched. What will you do?

Find a GF hahahhaha
Probably I would freak out but then I would be happy because I bet i am handsome 8))))

Hahaha. You've got a point there :D... Anyway, have you ever watched "Hello Ghost"? It's a Korean movie. It's not a horror movie by the way :D

tomodachi910’s Profile PhotoTomodachi
I don't think I have..

I really love your drawings >\\<...you should draw more often, you're really talented!!

Thanks so much. I'm not lol;;

Owh. Why didn't you like it before & why do you like it now? Hehehe

tomodachi910’s Profile PhotoTomodachi
It's not as scary as I thought. (because it's fake) and watching horror together with friends is fun haha

aku ketuker loh km ama kazuya ayu,aku kira kamu yang tinggi soalnya km 170cm

Kamu liat aku di mana hahaha maaf ya

What's your favorite spell in harry potter?

hmmm patronus is everyone's favorite right? oh wait, it's expelliarmus lol
but i'd like to see how my patronus looks like:>

Do you like going to the cinema, or do you prefer to watch movies at home?

go to cinema with friends.. watch alone at home


Language: English