
Purru | Lemon

Ask @lemonpurru

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What is your favorite scent?

It's my ecstacy and I love sniffing it deeply and swallowing its scent until my head feels dizzy and I can think no other than soap.
BUT WHY DOES IT TASTE DIFFERENTLY? It's weird and unique but actually... delightful?
When you touch it a bit only with the tip of your tongue, you can feel its taste in your whole mouth. Super strong and tastes wrong and you know it harms your body.
But I do this sometimes *cries*
Liked by: Harsha

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Do you wear any jewelry?

Piercings are jewelry, right?
Well recently, I don't wear them to school or work because I cant really hide them because my hair is a bit short and messed up and I tie it all the time >< but tbh I plan to add more when my hair is longer and I can get better hairstyle hahahah

kak lemon sudah tidak cover2 lagi kah? :(

Ngga juga si, lg ga nyempetin aja soalnya emang lg banyak yg mesti dikerjain...
Lagian udh lama ga update lagu2, malah lg update Korean & West songs lol

What do you look forward to most this year?

graduation... and life after that! There's so many things I wanna do hhahaha

You have piercing?

I do! Love them.
Currently I only have 5 out of total 7. 3 on right, 2 on left. I lost 2 in process (each on both ears) because they kept on bleeding and I was too picky. I decided to let them go ><
That also reminds me, I want to add 2 more but I might need to grow my hair a bit so I can add more and hide them underneath. So I won't cut my hair soon, probably 8))

Hi dear, cool haircut

Trust me, it's not as good as you think. It doesn't really fit my face shape, tbh. I tie my hair almost all the time since I look chubbier than ever D'8
I'll wait a little longer until my hair grows a little, probably will cut like this but I need to lose some weight a bit.
...or I'll just go back to A-line cut since it's the safest hairstyle for me, after all.
Hi dear cool haircut

We don't know each other. We've never met, never even spoken, but your photo caught my eye and I ended up on your profile. And let me tell you, you're so, so beautiful. Unbelievably gorgeous. You're just perfect and I wish I knew you. Well, this is probably kind of annoying, so I'm gonna go :)

harshrami’s Profile PhotoHarsh Rami
thx :)

That suppose to be a joke... But yeah, I create trouble sometimes. no hurt feeling 'kay? :)))

Bro, you're totally digging your on grave. lol jk
Honest answer, I took that as a CUTE compliment 8))

Uh don't get me wrong... CUTE Creating Useless Troubles Everywhere .... But thank you :D

HAHAHAH love that
You know I do create troubles often 8))) You do too, right?
Being all dorkydork around people and unintentionally upset them. Way to go, buddy!

Do you decide quickly or do you think a long time?

mostly I think for long time but when I have very little time, I'll just go #YOLO

Cover another song by Amber please, like maybe "Beautiful" ?

yeah I want ☺
tbh yesterday I tried Ice Cream Cake by Red Velvet... and my voice just died /cry

what about making proper cover with no coughing?

Maybe other songs? I'm too into Kpop these days HAHAHAH good bye Japan /o/ /kicked
jk but I'm not that crazy much. Just because of music and some fave singers/groups.

Mon, why did you delete the shake that brass cover ;A; It was great

;;-;; great motherfckr
I am so ashamed of it. just nono huhuhu

What do you do when you don't know the answer?

I have bad habit when I am curious. I become obsessed with finding answer when I need it the most..
Liked by: Kei Vai

your shake that brass cover was on-point. just a tad bit too much coughing... u ok?

OMG you listened? orz
just for fun tho, bad Korean and wrong pronunciations were so noticable I have no shame orz
my voice has been cracking because of flu but I coughed because of fast lyric and TaeYeon part was high and I sang using fake voice hahah

Makan belum? makan dong, ntar mati lho.

makan roti terus treadmill bentar 15 min (tp abis itu ngemil hiks o<-<)


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