
Purru | Lemon

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when there's no more food in this world, and the only thing left is your cat...will you eat your cat or would you rather die out of starvation ?

So cruel :(
I don't selfishly sacrifice my best friend for my own happiness.

7orang pemancing memiliki 7ekor ikan dalam sebuah keranjang. Masing - masing pemancing akan mendapatkan 1ekor ikan. Bagaimana cara membagi ikan tersebut sama rata kepada ketujuh pemancing, sedangkan 1ekor ikan harus tersisa di dalam keranjang?

Maksudnya? 7 pemancing kan emang udh punya 7 ikan????

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kan dua kali lipat setiap harinya, jadi hari ke 29 itu 1/2 danau. besoknya (hari ke 30) dikali 2 sama dengan 1 danau.

Oh iya ya ._.

yang soal eceng gondok itu jawabannya: hari 29, bukan 15. tau kenapa?

Karena gw dibohonging pdhl jawaban yg bener 15 :/

what comes to mind when you hear the word "bittersweet" ?

My handwriting. Lol jk doing open book exam.
Honest answer : LOVE. Seriously.
what comes to mind when you hear the word bittersweet

Hey <3 Could you please like some (or all :P ) of only the PhOtOs on my profile? I will like back ;D :*

GeorgiaAnt’s Profile PhotoGeorgia
I don't need likes :/
You want more likes right? Like my posts first and I will like back. (I cant guarantee you I'm not lying lol)

how many language can you speak?

Fluent : Indonesian + English
I understand Sundanese but mostly refuse to speak, sometimes Tagalog and I can read simple Japanese XD

What have you been wondering lately?

Few things I don't understand and have been bothering me lately o<-<

Have you ever been insulted by a random person irl or on social medias?

No, I think :) everyone is nice

What do you do to let others know you love them?

Uh;; Tbh I don't know how;;
S-showing affection? I'm awkward lol

Good morning purru! Do you have a good night sleep? ;) BTW, your answer for the eceng gondok pool is incorrect -- the answer is day 29. Think about it ;) Have a nice day!

Oh yeah.. Baru baca lg..
I'm bad at math orz

Touche! Hope you'll get a real ice cream soon..have a good night you :)

yessur, anon-san! thanks! good night to you :>

Virtual ice cream is_______because it______be______and can ________give the_______of the________ice cream

1. boring
2. can't
3. eaten
4. not
5. joy
6. beautiful real
Liked by: Michael Warming

Riddles can be fun right :D "Lemon the Riddle Master" sounds nice...hmmm you'll get an ice cream *imaginary of course* and satisfaction ;D

I want ice cream :( virtual ice cream is boring

A lemon was playing a riddle game with the wind but suddenly the wind stops hearing from the lemon, what happened to lemon?

Lemon fell asleep and that was what always happened.

1) correct!! 2) a coffin 3) he weighs meat xD, he works at a butcher shop 4) a stamp...no no you should not stay in the corner, come here we have ice cream xD 5) she was walking xD 6) a bottle..and no I'm not laughing at you xD...but you do give fun hilarious answers xD *bonus point

oooo... how surprising I answered correctly even only once HAHAHA
hahaha so fun answering riddles! I don't know riddles as much as you do, anon-san. Maybe I should start keeping them in a note or somewhere else so I can use it at times and be a God of Riddles 8))
bonus point? what else can I get if I answered correctly?

dji sam soe super premium or avolution menthol? heineken or bintang?

Fyi i don't smoke because it feels weird and funny lol. I only tried Avolution Menthol twice 8D
The other once is heineken? XD;

Misalkan eceng gondok berkembang 2kali lipat setiap harinya. Hari pertama satu eceng gondok, hari kedua jadi dua eceng gondok, hari ketiga jadi empat dst. Dan setelah 30hari eceng gondok tersebut dapat menutupi sebuah danau, pada hari keberapa eceng gondok menutupi setengah danau?


A girl who was just learning to drive went down a one-way street in the wrong direction, but didn't break the law. How come?

because it's Indonesia, bruh!
Law is meant to be broken!

Paul's height is six feet, he's an assistant at a butcher's shop, and wears size 9 shoes. What does he weigh?

10 pounds zzzz i fell asleep and just woke up

Who makes it, has no need of it. Who buys it, has no use for it. Who uses it can neither see nor feel it. What is it?

hm... psychopath

Which creature walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?

OMG I think I have heard this riddle before!
4 legs = baby
2 legs = young human
3 legs = old human

Your answers are hilarious LOL xD...1) A preacher 2) Stop imagining D: 3) the letter w 4) a cold...

lol are you laughing at me :((
I really had no idea.
Number 3's answer is Leprechaun and golds! D<

He has married many women, but has never been married. Who is he?

some random guy who cancels all his wedding plans at the end

touche...because the lions would already be dead..2)not bonsai, bu palm ([palm of your hand) xD..3) mushroom (mush-room) lol...4) well that is acceptable, may your heart heal soon, but the answer is promis :D

oh question number 1! HAHAHA omg 3 years without eating anything. Yeah, the lions would be dead!
i still think my answers are genius, though >3>

my____will come to_______me but _______ will _______ to _______me.

1. mother
2. kill
3. i
4. sleep
5. save

I am a_____looking for_______in the_______of the ________. I will not______until my_______has been_________.

1. loner
2. lover
3. darkness
4. world
5. cry
6. achievement
7. unlocked


Language: English