
Purru | Lemon

Ask @lemonpurru

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Do you have a friend who's shorter than you?

of course yes I'm 170 cm
....well, in all seriousness, yes.

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What can you do today that you were not capable of a year ago?

facing up problems/troubles I created last year

What life lesson did you learn the hard way?

well, someone told me : Never rely your life on others.

How come lemon washing up liquid contains real lemons, but lemon juice contains artificial flavorings?

how do you know lemon washing liquid contains real lemon? :(

Where's your favorite place to hangout here in this city?

tbh, any coffee shop :)
most friends go to malls because it's one stop place so malls...

Living: doing a lot of things, being happy and all, pursuing something, actually make your life meaningful....Existing: You're just there...but not living...just my opinion lol

good answer! :) I'll keep that in mind!
"To Live" is alive!

Hey;D like 10 of my answers and ill like 30 back! i also followed you please follow back:) Have a nice day;D (sent to who i follow)

aaaa spaaam..
my english is ruined lol

* (the yolk thing) the right answer is "neither" the egg yolk is yellow xD not white lol

WAIT-- OMG I didn't realized that!

What are some of the first things you do in the morning? and can i have ur snapchat ? :)

ding dong, answered already!

mon coveran gbc yg waktu itu jadi lo ambil ga nih :v

mana mana sini, suara gw sebulan serak nih hahah;;

men love boobs, women love boobs, everybody love boobs...who doesn't right ? xD


What are some of the first things you do in the morning? and can i have ur snapchat ? :)

check time on phone
snapchat : popurru (if i'm not mistaken). I don't use it too much ><

Are you afraid of letting others get close to you?

dunno... :(
It's just very difficult to trust someone.. That's why people dislike me, I think. Because I pushed them away...

can you live without spicy food and coffee?

I'm not that fan of spicy food, so I'm ok with the 1st one.
Coffee.. mhm, I used to be an addict, but now I'm okay even without coffee everyday...
Liked by: SBRNARD

have someone ever confessed that he/she's in love with you out of the blue? How did you react?

What do you mean out of the blue?
If confessing normally is out of the blue, then they did.

Which is correct to say, "The yolk of the egg *are* white" or "The yolk of the egg *is* white"?


what is the difference between living and existing?

dammit are you testing my English o<-<
Idk the answer /cries
But one doesn't simply lives in this world without exists (?) or vice versa. REALLY I DONT KNOW THE ANSWER CAN SOMEONE HELP ME


That reminds me, 3 years ago, I was not confident talking in English back then. My accent was really stiff and rough and very Indonesian LOL Thanks to YT community and those fun old times, huge convo+call everyday, I started speaking English more often and learned how to speak better. I was so scared singing in English because I might ruin the song because of ugly accent LOL But now I'd like to sing in English more because English accent is really nice and swinging swing~
My accent now is improved comparing to one year ago, I think. But who knows LOL

halangan apa biasanya yang datang saat mau cover lagu?

ujan, suara rusak, emang suara ga mumpuni, ketiduran... (+gak apal lagu jd belajar lama)

If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you want to run into? Does that person know how much they mean to you?

ah... I lost many things in the past. I rely on others too much without thinking it might hurt them. Maybe I will just stay alone..

If you see a man sitting on a sharp fence in the middle of the night staring back at you, what would you do?

stare back, stunned.

What if when you open your closet, your shirts starts to breath?

Closet is closed before = no air out, so when you open...

krispy kreme, J.Co, Dunkin Donuts ?

JCo <3
I'd like to try Philippines Gavino Mochi Donuts, though

Can a cemetery raise its prices and blame it on the cost of living?

maybe economy is down, who knows.

When crazy people walk through the forest, do they take the psycho path?

no :( even crazy people are normal human, you know! Hmp.

Why do they call the little candy bars "fun sizes". Wouldn't it be more fun to eat a big one?

well maybe one whole bite is fun way to eat? hahaha

have you ever thought about trying to make poutine at home?

yes, I have
but making a homemade food without having tried the original food is like blind cooking (?)

There is one word in the English language that is always pronounced incorrectly. What is it?



Language: English