
Purru | Lemon

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ganteng, soundcard pc kamu pake apa? btw klo mau ngirim gift ke kamu, ngirimnya kemana ya?

soundcard... jelek ;v; gift opo? O.O

for a challenge could you lift a 13 stone (85 kg , 185 lbs ) man up and how long could you hold him off the ground ? by the way your very nice :)

I-I am not a Herculemon >..<
Wow, I'm not sure if I could. *weak* *cries* EVEN if I could, maybe it only last for... few seconds /cries
And, thanks hahah

Are you a vegetarian?

unfortunately, no. I want to be one for the sake of health, but no. I still like meats, but not love XD

momonnnnnnnnn kemarin temen gw liat valshe dong


Ano.. Im the asker who asked the yona questions which you answered. Really didnt mean to find out more about yona from you. (Kinda the opposite actually) Please forgive me if i did wrong m(_ _ )m

That's okay. I'm sorry if you feel offended, anyway. I have this annoying stalker of her questioning me and trying to annoy me, even faking my account. I just wonder who you are. I just reacted because of that. Thanks for leaving this comment! You are a good person, I believe.

How did you end up with the username lemonpurify?

Good question!
I have several names online and first name I had/made back in 2005 was initial PL when I was in Harry Potter community. When I just started covering songs, I wanted to make new id. I tried to connect to other name 'purru' and transformed it to 'purify'. I always have twin/mirror OC named Juuichi and Lemon. Juuichi came from #11 in Japanese but I changed it to sound similar to Juice. #11 is actually my friend's OC during my drawing era (lol) but she is gone and I can never contact her anymore, so sad. I wanted to bring my friend's spirit in my name but unfortunately, I couldn't use Juuichi for initial PL or LP, so I used Lemon. So then I decided, while my other name is PL, my new name is LP and that's how LemonPurify was born!
Basically, I just made it up! Hahaha.. But I love being Lemon. It feels good having that name XD It's very personal, though.

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I shook hands with her again. She found out I was the one who asked the question ╮(╯_╰)╭ she sends her greetings for you~

Thank you so much! I really appreciate that. She did her best in her job and life, so please support the best for her.

Ane handshake ama yona trus ane nanyain tentang purru xD you guys are close friends huh =w=

I'd rather not answering question about her :>

Suka Valshe sejak kapan mbak?

kapan ya, sejak sebelom cover ahahah sebelom 2010 berarti mungkin 2009, atau awal 2010.

When is the last time you told somone you love them?

HAHAHA to Valshe, I guess all the time. (in my heart)
Real one, mhm lemme recall this, 2-3 years ago? Can't remember.


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