
Purru | Lemon

Ask @lemonpurru

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Do you have specific thing you're looking from someone you like?

You mean my type? lol
I don't know. I'm not sure but most of the time :
Kind, sweet, gentle, smart, clean and smells good.
Good appearance and voice are plus point *_*

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How's your day?

Today is super good and full of 大便!!!
Well this is question from 8hr ago...
My day ends in few minutes, though. Hahha

What if a complete stranger comes to you and says that he/she likes you? How will you react to it?

Well, surprised lol
I mean, who are you and how could you know me and how could you like me, we never interact before...

Tingkat kepo yang seperti apa yang sudah tidak dapat di tolerir lagi?

Yg tanya2 privacy sama irl stuff.
Not your business unless you're close friend. For me it's rude.

Do you ever wished that you are born as somebody else and not as you?

More like, I wish I did this and that in the past..

Burung kakatua atau burung betet? :D (P.S. BTW, bukan gw yang yang minta centipede nya dipegang)

tomodachi910’s Profile PhotoTomodachi
Pernah punya kakatua sih..
Lebi suka yg kecil2 biar bisa dipegang2..

If you haven't, you should try out some peach tea. It smells and taste really nice!

I like tea but it's only recently I drink a lot.
Not a fan of fruit tea, but tea is always nice ,:3


Current addiction : tea and fruit infusion.. Weird because I always drink coffee everyday and not drinking coffee recently feels like... Hmm
Idk coffee feels so bold and these drinks are super soft and somehow nice..

I'm so kepo. pap lagi apa?

Minggu kemarin kesiram air panas sampe lempar mug, untung ga pecah... terus jd ada kapalan di jari
Im so kepo pap lagi apa

If you had been there, I would've liked to ask you about UAE. Hehe... Anw, what countries have you ever visited (not just for transit)? :D

tomodachi910’s Profile PhotoTomodachi
I only went to Philippines twice...


Language: English