

Ask @luanahitchxx

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Would you like to go on a date with me? :) I will buy you food and won't even ask for sex till you come up for a nightcap.

lets do it bro.

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since were both awake at ridiculous times, i say this is when the best people come out ;-) hahahaa :L x x

Ive always beeen a top notch person hahaha xxx

Good :) I'm good, going back to bed soon :L only just got up when I tweeted you :L x x

lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyy xx

so have you got your eye on anyone atm :)

Seriously -.- changing the question around a little doesn't make it any less annoying.

make you a deal? I'm what i'd class as socially awkward :L sometimes find it hard making conversation etc, ill tweet you, if we can still talk afterwards? :)

I think you should most defiantly tweet me :') Social awkward? You sound like my helena!

but you don't know which anon's are me and which one's are wanna be's hahaa you don't know if im cool or if it's someone else & you just think it's me :D

:( well fine -huff- stay anon and confuse me :O

we've never spoken properly only here never on twitter & haven't added you on facebook it would make it to obvious hahaa :L

TELL ME WHO YOU ARE ;( pleaseee (a)!

I'll Narrow it down for you by a few hundred thousand :L by telling you this, you've got to be one of my favorite contacts on twitter :)

Ooo well that helps bloody loads :O! comeee on better hints! actually hunts dont help :( you said wev never spoken :O

please tell him?

Right listen you annoying creature. I have no reason to tell him. Would you tell someone something if you really didn't want to just because some anon tells you to? NO. I said if HE ASKS, I will tell him! SO in the kindest way fucking possible... F U C K O F F xD

It is cool, I'm enjoying getting to know you bit by bit & the beauty of it is you won't know when it's me ;-)

-.- now thats no fair :O!

yeah, it has it's advantages & I'd like to tell you.. I just love the mystery to much :D

God damn you :O but i suppose its kinda cool ^.^!

yeah true, sometime's i wish anon wasn't an option.. though same being said you don't know who i am ;-) hahahahaa :P

Hahaaa i like anon :) lets you get to know people first! I think people should judge people on what you know about them, not their looks! but i would like to know who you are :O?

some people on here really are thick hahaa took them how many days to work out your not going to tell him? :L it's your life, your heart and your decisions they should respect that :)

I know right!! seriously, they have no ideaa, mind you i have no bloody idea who they are asking me :L x

because, i haven't even spoken to you yet & i think your pretty damn awesome hahaa

Woooo xD well in that case... your awesome yourself!!!

would you say it's weird liking someone you haven't spoke to? (as a friend) Just thinking there sound & nice and funny just an all round great person? :L

Nope i wouldn't at all, why do you ask?

whats your ideal man babygirl xxx

My ideal man? Is someone who I can be completely myself around without worrying what they will think. Someone who doesn't mind that sometimes I want to just be emotional! Someone who isn't clingy but makes the effort to show me they care! errm... taller than me :D has to be taller! Personally I want a guy who's sweet just for me and doesn't act like a loved up teenager ALL the time! Just enough so I know :)! and a great smile please?! But he doesn't exist so yea :L

you know luana think about this what if someone else tells him they like him?

WHAT IS YOUR DEAL. leave me alone man -.-

why cant you just say it. i know you and you aint shy :S:S

Who are you? Why does it concern you anyways? and for 1. he wouldn't believe me. 2. i dont even know HOW I FEEL. 3. i dont want to. 4. im happy. 5. relationships suck.

1 hour 10 minutes... tell him or you will end up regretting it xx

I'm not telling him, I have no idea who you are, but thanks for all this but it's just something I don't think I should do :) xx


Helena Power
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That's it really

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The hangover

top 10 favorite songs?

Conor Maynard - Animal
Conor Maynard - Glass girl
Conor Maynard - Drowning
Conor Maynard - Another one
Conor Maynard - Mary go round
Conor Maynard - Just in Case
Conor Maynard - Pictures
John Mayer - Who says
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Carly Rea Jepson - This kiss

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Language: English