

Ask @luanahitchxx

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Ey take the advice you give me, they'll eventually give up and get bored:-) not worth getting wound up you're better than the lot of them

I know :-) silly people! <3

Really good thanks, I hope you don't believe any of the shit people said I 'apparently said' hahaha never said a bad word, you?:)

Nah, People on here love causing shit it's quite amusing I guess. Things are erm looking up apart from the obvious on here haha! Glad everythings good :)

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FFS making me mad now :@ swear to god I'd strangle this mother fucker!!

Hearts going well fast haha so mad!

Calm down Luana hahaa think about cheesey chips & mayo ;)

Food, food? I can't eat I'm that upset/hurt/mad

Awh thankyou, have you realised who it could be?

I think so, Can you like tell me who it is and I won't answer that question :D? Just so I'm sure :P

Yeah i wanna punch this person reyt in teeth. Oh anon let us know who you are. Turd :-( btw HIII LUANER.

HIII SHANNERRRN. I am going to kick people in the eye. I swear it

It's a possibility you can't cross out, either way if they really want to talk to you, then just mail you rather than being weird over anon :L

I'm proper freaking out haha!

Its not you, just one of those things which I don't blame you for, you helped me a lot with so,e stuff thay was written on here, I'm sorry if I ever hurt you and you really did help me through the shit. You're a lovely girl and very strong

I'm glad I could help tbh :-) I hope whatever I helped with is all good now :-) If you ever need me again just giz a shout! Awww thanks Anon! :')

listen anon if you want to talk to her mail her on fb or something off anon and you two can sort this out then you both know where you stand

Tbh I don't think it's an ex who is doing this... I have no idea what the hells going on anymore or who the hell I'm talking to ! haha

tell them n il go

Okay you are really pissing me off. Who the fuck are you, what do you want? What are you gaining out of this? I promise now when I find out who you are and I will I'm going to remove your fucking finger nails with a tweezer.

You've helped me in the past, I don't want to get into why you don't its awkward, I just don't think any of this is far on you at all..

Well If it's anything I did I'm sorry :) I'm a little more grown up now :L Thanks for being nice Anon! <3

right this took forever to type on a touch screen but your an ex for a reason take the hint and leave you bunch of freaks :/ swear to god off anon I'd rip the shit out of all of you.

Sorry you had to get stressed at a touch screen ;) I have no idea who I am talking to now haha!

answer n il leave. did u love them

YES. ffs, go away. You are causing trouble. Tell me who you are and we will talk your problem out?

Stop bringing up her exs, stop bringing up her past its fucking pointless, no I'm not one of her friends infact she doesn't particularly like me I just think you should leave her alone for once and stop tryong to fuck with her head:)

Awww thanks Anon :-) Finally a nice Anon! Erm why don't I like you lol?

Who are the exs you'll always care about & want to be happy? I don't mean do you still love, just you still hope to be happy

I can't really say I don't want to upset people more, who is this?

Why cant people tell you who they are tbh.. your going to be more mad if you dont find out. And im just like going to say if its someone tryna fuck with your head they should stop.. best friend patrol here.

Helll yeaaaaaaa <3

did u love them? be honest i just wanna knw im sorri im fuckin stuff up i just wanna knw. il ask them the sme question

What difference would that make in your life Anon? I swear I will find out who you are

look dont b mad at me i think iv caused sumthin nw aint i

Look I won't go mad I promise, Just please tell me who you are? My heads been fucked for the last two days racking my brain to find out who you are. This shit is old, people need to forget and I don't know why you are doing this but it's wrong just please tell me who you are.

I am who you think it is...i dont want no shit just need to know whats goin on i wanna know who it is...

I have no clue I thought you knew?

The way you shake it, I can't believe it... I've never seen an ASS LIKE THAAAAAAAT *hmmmmmmmmm*

Baby it's just you I'm thinking off.



I think there is a certain person on here trying to make you say sorry to people who generally just don't even care about your existance anymore.

I think you are right Anon :-)

are u deleting my questions about her ?

Yes, why are you doing this? Everyone is happy and you are causing stuff that doesn't need to be done. Fair enough, you probs don't like me but I'm not sure what you are getting out of this?

i think i may have just dne somthing bad :( hope u forgive me x

I don't even know who you are haha? What you done :)? x

my theory is that deep down no matter what we tell our selves we have a longing to be with someone

Well maybe yea x

Im not the person that asked what your opinion is but i think you should answer it x

Woah well who are you? What the hells going on?

I see your point and I agree tbh but Ive had quite a few dreams where we've been.. together and a few safe to say we were married Ive dreamed about girls i know before but never as much as i dream about you

Awww :') I wish I knew what it meant! <3

Opinion on Stacie Hamil?

Erm I'm not sure I should answer this. This could get me shot! Who are you and seriously what is your problem?

judging by what you said on your status not going to say it on here for people to pick at but i dream about you ya think it means something?

I think people dream about the ones they hold close. I still have feelings for a few of my ex's if I'm honest. Not feelings as I'd go back to them but feelings like I still owe them something? I guess dreams are crazy things that confuse us all :-(

if you could turn back time would you change what you did to 'boo'

I really don't know who you mean... but if we are on about the same person... No not now I've heard they are really happy!


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