

Ask @luanahitchxx

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lets cuddle up watch donnie brasco drinking chocolate milkshake and then watch youtubers whilst not moving all day and diet on skittles

Let's get fucking married.

in my shoes to save both friendships though it's only a possibility would you not tell the one how you feel and just stay friends in a hope to maintain to keep them both?

Erm I guess so yea!

The girl I love I know she has lets say a past she's told me that and I was fine with not knowing more, not my business but now all of a sudden she's bad news, a bad person I'm downgrading etc and I don't know what to believe I don't see her as a bad person but my love for her may my judgement

Okay well maybe you should ask her what her past is? If she cares she will tell you!

I don't know she's being potentially secretive, all she's telling me is that she'd bad news all this and I don't want to loose either because I love them both I'd planned on telling one of them that I'm in love with her but this has pretty much put a spanner in the works.. I'm so worried :/

Okay well do you believe this person is bad news?
It sounds like to me she is jealous if I'm honest...
But I don't know the situation, But my advice is...
Follow your heart, Because it might be on the left side but it's always right <3

that's the thing.. it's basically one of my best friends, who I used to have feelings for doesn't like my other best friend who I do have feelings for and she's telling me she's bad and stuff like this and we can't be friends so I'm torn worried, upset and confused I don't know what to do :(

Omg, Do they both know each other as well :O?
Well your other best friend needs to accept you are allowed other friends!
Unless they know each other personally they shouldn't even be making assumptions on each other!

No I don't mean boyfriend I mean say two friends close friends that you care about so much, and your facing a position for whatever reason where you may have to choose, what do you do?

Yea I didn't mean boyfriends lol!
If they both cared about you as much as you care about them, They wouldn't put you in that position.
Tell them you can't make up your mind and you love and care about them to much to do that, So they have to find a way around all of the situation!

what did you do? I don't want who or anything like that I just need advice on this matter

I went with my heart on the first occasion
On the second I left them both :)

how longg have you been spooning adam for luana :/ ?

Why does this look like you are angry? You're making out like I'm having an affair :L

Its like your caught up in a maze you keep going in circles girl you trying to find your way out.but its time i put on my cape put that S on my chest. i wanna come and save you xx

Crying out for me?
Please tell me you are listening to the Conor Maynard cover?!

do you have a break up song

I have a full blown playlist haha!
Conor Maynard - Lay in my bed
Conor Maynard - Good ones go
Conor Maynard - Just in case
Conor Maynard - Drowning
Conor Maynard - Pictures
That's only if It's a bad break up and I'm the one hurt though!

erm im confused lol do you like spooning?

YES! Haven't spooned in so long though haha! But I sleep better when I'm being spooned.

hugs or kisses?

Depends on the person really
And on what kind of hug...
Is it a cuddle? A snuggle? Spooning? Or just a hug?
And on what kind of kiss...
Is it just a cute peck? A check peck? A head peck? Or like a full blown make out session? Or just a long kiss? A kiss between friends? Or a meaningful one?


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