

Ask @luanahitchxx

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who's bothering you?

Some dick, won't leave me alone when they know I don't wanna talk to them, Using this thinking I wouldn't know

I just want u to know that u are pretty amazing god danm beautiful/gorgeous and in every single way PERFECT! and u should never let anyone tell u any different :))

Do you think I'm stupid? I know who this is and I've said I don't want to speak to you, this is really stalkerish and if you carry on I will take this to the police and find the I.P address to make sure I'm 100% and get a restraining order on you.

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like I said u have plenty of time to plan what to do anyways but i do think u should have a party so u will remember your 21st :)) Is there anyone u are missing right now but don't talk to them much at minute?

No not really why?

gurd im great thanks u got anything planned for today? Im having a lazy day staying in bed in my pjs watching films :))


well the ones that live close by u could invite? U have plenty of time to plan anyways but I do think u should have a doo though cause u are only 21 once and everyone loves parties and being such an amazing beautiful and perfect girl that u are im sure no one would let u down :))

Hum maybe

u should so totally have one cause just think u will be able to invite all your mayniac friends and have an awesome night :)) What do u think u will be doing for it then if u aint having a doo?

My mayniac friends are all over the world :( I doubt they could make it! and god knows

u got anything planned for your birthday? is it a special one?

My 21st I was going to have a doo but don't think I want one now

difference being, you doubt it due to personal insecurities, I don't because I can see you for who you are, I know your so much beyond incredible, gorgeous and more than anything I could have ever dreamt of :) <3

That means the world tbh! <3

I know most girls, if not all girls have insecurities, things they are unhappy with about themselves, things they'd change and so forth but believe me when I say when I look at you I see nothing but pure perfection your nothing short of flawless and I love you <3

I have nothing I'm happy about, about myself tbh! <3

No reason to look into this... Not planning ahead or anything... But when is your birthday?

10th of jan :)

I totally agree with u on that one! Leggins are so much comfier than skinny jeans gotta say not sure if u would agree? Awww have fun :)) Is it just u and your brother? or do u have more siblings? Im off out for a family meal after

Yes they are :) it's me my brother, his girlfriend, my sister and niece and nephew :) Were having a night in together. I have 5 brothers and 1 sister :)

Your welcome :)) Omg same same my wardrobe is mainly just skinny jeans but I do like leggings too and u are right joggers are just for chill/lazy days :)) U got anything planned for rest of the day?

Mine is mostly leggings tbh! Leggings are so much better than anything else. I'm going my brothers, yourself?

mayniacs or lovatics

Don't get me wrong I love lovatics I really do, But #mayniacs always for me, every single one of them are so friendly, down to earth and generally happy to help eachother out, they always have eachothers back and to be honest I'm grateful for every single one of them :)

sounds good to me and u are looking gorg as usual in the picture u just took, liking the weird pose haha! If u had to choose which would u wear joggers or skinny jeans?

Haha aww thanks :')! Erm skinny jeans deffo! Joggers are for chilldays :')

whats the 1 thing u wished u had right now

Right now? I wish I had unlimited money to buy out a whole conormaynard concert for every single #mayniac. The atmosphere would be unbelievable!

take a picture of you right now do not put makeup on or do your hair just exactly how you are

Already had make-up on sorry... sorry about being weird also. I'mm in a weird mood. Hummm :')

When you brush your teeth, do you: Wet toothbrush, put on toothpaste, wet toothbrush again, and then brush your teeth?

No, I wet toothbrush, put on toothpaste then brush my teeth :) I have special toothpaste and instructions say I can't put water on top on the toothpaste :(

I am warning you, if you touch my drums, i will stab you in the neck with a knife.

I'ma put my nutsack on your drumset.

I think a lot of people are hoping they are this guy to be able to say that your going out with Luana Hitchen would be an honour unlike any other

I doubt that haha!

I would be very proud to call u my girlfriend and u deserve the best and maybe just one day who ever this lucky guy is u will end up together but got to say that I am jealous and I wish I was this gut u like ;)


without a doubt!! it's not hard to get a girl, but your not just any girl, your someone to be so proud of!!

Awww that is the cutest thing ever!!!!!!!!!!

Cute's one of my many speciality's ;) make it known to him, bet his face lights up when he finds out :)

Hummm nahh! <3

I like that ;) No but seriously he could be superman himself nothing gets luckier than having the honour of saying Luana Hitchen is my girlfriend, not a thing comes close millionaires think they have it all? they clearly haven't spent the day with you!!

Heheh awww soo cute :') I don't think he even knows how much i like him tbh :/

you never make things easy do you? ;) Despite my best efforts I can't think of anything further to get it out of you, One thing I do know whoever he may be, he may not realise this yet but he is the luckiest man walking this planet

Nowpe, I like things to be a challenge ;) N awwwww he's not, I'm the lucky one :)

did you do it??!!!!

Yes! But just incase this is the person I popped up to like 12 people so it wern't ovs :P hahah!

for peace of mind sake, you would rather know now then you have your answer and if he does feel the same which I see as highly probable then everything's jolly, and if not then you have your answer no need to drag it out and you know where you stand :)

I guess so! Probs going to message my bestie first tho! Need him atm! <3

I can see where you are coming from but what have you got to loose? not saying just say I like you just spring it on him but if you feel as of lately he has become, more distant just inquire as to why you never know he may surprise you

I'm scared of the answer tbh

talk to him? Maybe he feels exactly how you do?

Doubt it, Not sure what I've done wrong but I'm not good with being left if you get me?


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