

Ask @luanahitchxx

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How are you this morning? Any plans?

I'm good, Went to town then tonight going witton for race for life you?

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What is one thing most people don't know about you?

I generally am quite educated.
I just don't show it often, I don't always feel the need to have to prove I'm smart.


No -.-

that's actually really cute :P what about your perfect night?

Erm cuddled up in bed watching films texting my nearest and dearest haha!

what makes the perfect day for you?

Having my nearest and dearest around me and Conor Maynard playing :') <3

Honest opinion on Adam Brodidly ;]]]]]]]

Adum Brodily.
He is immensely weird, but soooo hilarious! I don't know how this guy hasn't got a job on the stage yet! Means loads to me as well :-) Always around making me laugh! Love him to piecess!

WHAT WAS ME:( im me, why does everyone know its me. ffs. covers blown BTW AWWH LUANA YOUR THE GREATEST... thanks for being my best friend, proud to call you it! love you lots and more yeah i do! xxxxxxxxx

Liked by: itsjustshan.

Honest opinion on Alex Fleming?

Alex? Well to be honest we haven't always seen eye to eye through faults of both of us (mostly mine!) But he is a great guy :-) can have a good laugh with him from time to time. However I don't know him well enough to really make a judgement. :-)
Liked by: itsjustshan.

Honest opinion on Shannen Murray?

She is my best friend. Love her more than life! She is so perfect to me! Always up for a laugh, me and her are always in stitches! Omg couldn't even imagine my life without her :/ Would be unthinkable! She's gorgeous and always has my back! She deserves more than the world! Trust me she is the most amazing person you will ever meet :-) I LOVE HER.
Liked by: itsjustshan.

Honest opinion on Gemma Hamill?

Gemma Hamill? She's amazing. A very strong willed woman and mother. She is an amazing mother to her two gorgeous children. She is always up for a laugh and is one of the most understand people I know! Was never really close to be honest but I really feel like I can trust her with my life after recent events! She is very special to me :-) Would do anything for her! Love her tons!

one time i was a potato and to this day i still am, everyone loves potatos. and erm.. turds. and no not turds. just erm.... turtles. or nice things like double cheeseburgers. if you dont know who this is okayim going to be offended. so STAHP and think. ok? xoxoxox

Liked by: itsjustshan.

hehe i like being awkward thats why i play cod :P

If that was a clue if was shit -.- Every guy I know plays cod! And most girls !

OH. Ironically I sneezed just now. Nice smile. I thin your scalp was bleeding, alien blooooooooood

Aiii whatever that means.

Your stripy green top makes you look like Where's Wally with a cold

It's not green it's different shades of blue, It's a Blackburn Rovers jumper :-)

omg did you just take that pic with the dr who thingy x

Dalek :-) And yes sorry about the state! -.- Just had my hair dyed haha!

Just seen your new photo on here... You have an absolutely incredible shelf on your wall!

I know right ^,^!

when you see dr who stuff do you think of anyone special maybe? x

I have no idea what you mean but hell yea look what I have... ^.^!

you know when you hear someone get really excited to you ever think of someone ?

Erm I don't understand this question tbh haha !

tell me some of the lyrics to it never heard it xx

Okay erm...
I'm not trying to get involved, Girl I just wanna let you know that if you ever let him go that I'll be here waiting for you. Even though I wanna turn away, I know my heart is gonna stay. Cause they got nothing on you. SO baby just in case he makes the mistakes that I did, and he don't see what I misss....
Just promise me you won't forget, you don't have to settle for less. Promise that you'll never forget me.


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