

Ask @luanahitchxx

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would you say your experienced in the bedroom?

Ooo erm, well this is personal haha!
I am if it's with someone I'm comfortable with, If I'm not comfortable I'm like a potato.

No :L I don't really go for relationships but I do want one but then from experience when I get into one we're pretty much as intimate as friends :L I'll reject any sexual advances from a girl because I can get the hottest women from the comfort of my own home whenever I want

Well let me shed some light on the land of porn.
Porn is staged... When you see a girl come in porn, It's faked. She is told by the directer when to do so.
Also these woman you watch have had more plastic surgery done to them then Sylvester Stallones mother, And they have make-up done between shots, also what you see them doing is not for their pleasure but simply for a pay check at the end of the week.
With a real woman you could have intimate REAL sex which means something and is actually physical for both of you.
You can have a none fake relationship.
You can watch your obsession with your girl, (most girls are up for things like this, If proposed in the right way)
I also suggest you read so erotica stories to change your view on porn and what you could be having in real life <3

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the other problem is also that because I am satisfying that sexual need I find it hard to maintain a relationship because the girl will want sex where as I'm getting my pleasure online, I've never really been aware till now but I don't know how to solve this so I can actually have a relationship

Have you ever tried watching porn WITH your girlfriend?

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In april I went on holiday for a few days, and I couldn't go two days without my "fix" when I'm in that mood/mind set I have to satisfy that need I'll do what it takes and go to great lengths to do this

Hum yes I understand...

It's a potentially strange, recently found, slightly humorous problem :L I have a porn addiction, I can't go so long without watching porn and obviously what comes after :L I've had it for quite a while but only just realised,

How on earth is this a problem haha? Watch as much porn as you see fit!

If someone told you they were going to kill themselves what would you say/do to stop them?

Ooo erm...
Hey you, So sometimes life can be a complete bitch. Yeah we all get that, And maybe I don't know everything that has made you come to this conclusion. I can only imagine the pain you hide. I don't think you are taking the cowards way out because quiet frankly it takes so much courage to decide that you want to end everything, To venture in to the unknown, But for a moment could you listen to me?
You are beautiful, Regardless of what anyone says, Everyone has a piece of beauty in the, Everyone. You are the reason for someones smile, Yea maybe not the person you would like it to be, But somebodies.
I understand you are hurt and broken, But think about the impact you will leave? Tears? Depression? Despair? Think of the heartache you will leave behind. You may not think their is a reason to stay but I'll be that reason? I can be a friend. Yes, One friend doesn't sound like a lot but one friend could be the difference between you leaving and staying. I won't pretend to understand how you feel, But I have had the same thoughts once upon a time. I'm here now though, Because I fought against the darkness. I can't promise everything will be okay, But I can promise to walk it with you.
You may not think you are important, But for one reason or other you was put on this earth, For a reason, By the sounds of it you haven't found that reason yet. So how about being a fighter? Fight for what that reason could be. Ooo and smile, please smile because that moment you do, Is the moment you decide to try and defeat the darkness.
This is sort of something I once said to someone, They are still here so I'm guessing it worked.
Is something wrong though? Because this question is VERY random and worrying?

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I know this much is true Baby, you have become my addiction, I’m so strung out on you I can barely move but I like it, it's all because of you <3


hypothetically should that moment occur, I would want you to leave our moment till last, so I could tell you I regret nothing, meeting you wasn't a mistake, that I love you and to tell you it will be alright and hold you in your final moments, to be the last one to kiss your face <3

<3 this actually made me cry x

No come on I know it would take a while but it would be nice, sometimes its nice to appreciate the finer things :)

Helena... I wish nothing but happiness and health for you and your little growing family. You are my oldest and dearest friend and I love you unconditionally. Please don't forget me I love you, best friends... always<3
Shannen... Please don't cry, You are the strongest person I know. Please take care of my family. Never change for anyone! You deserve nothing but the best. Don't let anyone tell you, you aint perfect because you are. I love you, My belieber! <3
Tasha... Take care of Lucas and do nothing but protect yourself and him! You deserve so much.. i love you x
Adz... Don't you dare fucking settle for any girl who is any less than perfect. Don't change for anyone and if you go to my funeral please say problem? to the priest haha! Love ya man!
I love you so much. Not much I can say except... I really do love you, forever x

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Liked by: itsjustshan.

the you have ten mins with your best friends, I teared up at it :L but here's a thought but different scenario you have ten minutes with each of them what do you do and/ or say to each of them? tell us what you would say to them individually

That would take me ages! Erm
To my girls I would tell them how beautifully perfect they are and no guy is ever worth a single tear! I would tell them to carry on the way they are and I'd hope every one of their dreams would come true. Also I would ask them never to cry but to get pissed every weekend for me haha
for the guys i would say..
Find the perfect girl, Settle down, get a good job and be a gentleman, In the end the nice men win :)

you have 10 minutes with every one of your best friends before you die what do you say to them?

Take care of eachother, Don't let anyone tell you you aren't perfect because I was so blessed to have every single one of you. Don't cry about me leaving because nobody is worth your tears. Take care of my family please, Don't let them ever get hurt. Also I love everyone of you so much more than you will ever know. Shannen, Helena, Tasha, Shannon, Adz, Leon, Jamie Livesey, Jamie Lynch, Jamie Rigby, Your names are tattooed upon my heart <3

opinion on paula baron

I don't really have one tbh, Haven't spoken to her in a very long time. All I know is she is a dedicated mother to her little boy x
Liked by: Neosmummy-x

if you could have 3 wishes how would you use them ??

That my niece and nephew have everything they want and need in life. That my family will always be safe. And that the justice system actually worked

do you find it hard to trust?

Damn I don't trust a single person, Mumma didn't raise NO fool. My mum says all the time...

As anyone ever allowed you to get attached to a child then taken them away

God. God has taken children he shouldn't, bar that all the kids i care about are still in my life :-). This is a weird question Anon?

adam broadley is a fucking dick for saying what he did to you. missed out on a banging piece of ass didnt he haha by the way and think he mentioned something about being glad your not in his life now? hes a right doofus

Adam Broadley*
Please explain to me how any of this is relevant to my life?
Is Adam wants to say that, Let him, But if you are going to tell me these things at least do it off Anon.
Also, 'Banging piece of ass', Listen to me you disrespectful asshole how about you grow a fucking pair of balls and try treating a lady like a lady but fucking bellend.
Doofus? REALLY? You really have chose that exact word? Maybe next time chose something that isn't 1980s yeah?
Please attempt to at least make it look like you tried to use english yeah? We all make mistakes but that is disgusting.
Liked by: Jamie Lynch

Would you really tell me what happened!? I do miss you, you just don't understand!?

Well yea but understand that sometimes people just drift apart. You probs haven't done anything?
Liked by: Jamie Lynch


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