

Ask @luanahitchxx

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Sticking up for her because I know how it feels when people on anon give you shit and don't have the guts to say it as tthemselves :)

And this is why she is awesome :')

Hahaha same! & too anybody who decides to make up I've said shit in advance fuck yourselves because we are civil, suckassssss <3

I would like to formally invite all the haters to suck my dick :-) <3

rofl wen soph sticks up for u off all people!

I know right :O I mean ME? MEEEEEE?? I must be lucky ;-) Come on Anon this is pathetic.

sophie fuckin lee? she doesnt even like you ahahahhahahahahhaha

Sophie fucking Lee* Use your capitals Anon :-) <3

Hi luana;) waiting for people to start because I'm sticking up for you, can't wait to see people making up I've slaged you off again ahahaha funny<3

Well bring them on! I can't wait to see what shit they think off :') <3

im not that s.l person but i just want to say over the llast few months luana has shocked me on how nice to everyone she has been she honestly has sorted herself out x

Aww thanks Anon I am trying!! <3

I've spoke to luana before actually and she's stuck up for me on her ask fm when people have given me shit so yes I do know she is a nice person so sh.

Wooopppp ^.^ so fuck you Anon!

It's boring seeing them always bring up past or exes its like move the fuck on! They're obsessed with you!<3

Ahhh well let the haters hate ;) It just motivates me to be a better person each time haha! <3

s.l or whr ever u dnt knw luana shes a dik!

Jesus do you stalk my profile?
I have only just answered that question :-/
To be honest I couldn't give a crap what you think...
The day I care about an Anon's opinion is the day I dye my rainbow colors and run down canal street shouting gays are wrong with a dildo in one hand and an alligator in the other :D
Now, leave my page, board a plane, go to pakistan and open a curry shop... Twat.

Thinkts pathetic seeing all these people constantly still bringing upshit from your past, why doesn't everyone just get on with their own lives and leave her alone:) s.l

You are awesomee!! Thank-youuu :) <3

do u think 'S' wud ever help u in a realli bad situation

No, she has children to look after and a life to lead, Jesus why are you so obsessed with her? If you like her go fucking talk to her off Anon.
First though learn to spell...
'Do you think 'S' would ever help you in a really bad situation?' OK?
Click off Anon, Talk to her and leave me the fuck alone :D

Nicki Minaj??

After her little stunt of posting a picture nearly topless I have grown to like her a little more! Crazy girl! The publicity after that must of been mental! Full respect for the old 'Hands over boobs' pose!

and do you know what, your the kind of girl I dream about, you know despite the fact I do actually dream about you.. I don't know what you go for in a guy, but you deserve a guy who can see all of the things that make you so incredible!! <3

:') what would i do without you eh x

no you know what I'm not even done yet you deserve more, your really funny, your so beautiful and nothing makes me happier than the fact I know you, aside from being around you, that's just heaven!! <3

Awww you really make me smile <3

Luana, do you even understand? because I don't think you do.. you don't even understand how much I love you, there's so many reasons spinning around in my head, you don't even have to try just you who you are just makes me think wow what an incredible girl, I really do love her!! <3


I'll text you though before I set off to make sure your ready and everything even if no one does turn up, who cares all that matters is you being there :P <3

Haha damn staight! See you later on!! <3

:O Oh god!! hahaa well I know it's getting on a bit now so I'm going to bed soon going to put two alarms on and just for safe measure get my mum to wake me up at dinner, get my hair cut, take my phone to get fixed, have a shower, get some cans and set off :L <3

Haha okayyy!! night night love you <3

there not like a set time for it? :L either way I'm fine I'm just making sure don't want to disappoint you <3

No, I haven't planned properly this time haha, I don't even know if anyone will show up :( But I'll be happy if you are there! <3

Luana, what time's tomorrow planned for? so I know when to get train etc? <3

Erm I'll meet you at any time you want <3

fuck a taxi to slow I'm running this shit, be there in 4 mins 29 seconds!! get the vaseline baby tonight we're doing the slug ;) <3

Yes! I'm on it baby! <3

Truth time. I think you are mind blowingly beautiful. Your laugh? Wow! It takes my breath away. The way you bite your lip makes me go crazy and that little dipple you have its so small but just makes you look incredible. I love you

Ooo. Woww! Who is this? *wipes away tear* That is beaut!

I'll take you from behind and pull your hair so far back! legs spread arms out head back ;) Over a desk maybe? Just like last time eh luana

Well ain't you a little erm forward Anon? And very very rude :P But I don't believe we have done this before?

why stop at the wall?! how about every room in the house? hope you have nothing planned tomorrow because you ain't feeling your legs for a while

Ooooooo daaayyyymmmmm!

Well how about I slam you up against the wall and rag the fuck out of you ?

Well hello there Anon!!! :O

Sorry anon, but to quote the fore mentioned Michael Jackson, you've been hit by, you've been struck by a smooth criminal ;-) <3

Ooooooo smooooooottttttthhhhh ;-) <3

Hows this for a plan, we have youtube you can listen to whatever you want when ever you want lmao :L a crate of fosters for you I can't stomach larger, DIssarano for me/us and cheesey chips and a pizza, a film most likely a comedy and cuddles? :P

Oooo that sounds like a plannn!!!!! <3

How does this sound Miss Hitchen Listening to Savage Garden, Michael Jackson and Bob Marley together, with a sunday dinner and cuddles?

Add a crate of fosters and I'm yours!

THANK YOU!! well did you know that recent study has shown that brunettes make for better wife's and blondes better girlfriends?!

Well I guess I'll be going back Brunette soon then eh? :)

i once watched you hug 'u knw who' from behind + u both honestly luked happi wat happened

'I once watched you hug 'You know who' from behind and you both honestly looked happy. What happened?'
What happened? I was a dick. Please grow up and fuck off. You must be a 'friend' of one of us... So why would you want to upset either of us.
Past is past.

Dont take this the wrong way lol but your eyes are beautiful when you cry x

Erm thanks I guess haha!

eye color?

Well my friends say blue but when I cry or my eyes water they are like really light green! Like shiney green it's madness!

proper fishing for you to say brunette but you just won't go there will you!! :'(

Lmfao no sorry! I was brunette though :) I just can't find a color I want to stick to!


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