

Ask @luanahitchxx

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you broke my heart you know!

I'm sorry :/ I can promise whoever you are that would not of been my intention x

why do you try so hard to imnpress everyone just be yourself

I don't I wanna be a better person, Because I made that decision not anyone else :)

Opinions on Anthony Ashcroft

Autumns father
Well Anthony you are such a top lad and so easy to speak to! Had our ups and downs but somehow we manage to just act like nothing ever happened, that's what I like best about you :) You have a great big heart and tbh I think you're amazing :) Glad your back :)
Liked by: Autumns father

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if you fell in love with someone in the army would you wait and be faithful ?

Off course I would! If you couldn't hack it you would just leave the relationship. I'd wait as long as I had to for the one I loved :)

what would your perfect date be?

A REALLY long walk just talking and laughing :') Getting to know each other properly :) I know I know I'm quite boring (n)

what do you want in a guy x

I want someone intelligent, A geek so to speak! Into all the geeky things and constantly telling me useless facts I don't need to know but want to know :') A gamer! So they can teach me to game with them! But someones whose patient and understands I may need time to pick it up :') That guy who wears the really geeky tops but pulls it off :P

exactly like when I wake up before college I've already assessed my trip to college :L I'm always two steps ahead.. in the odd few moments where I'm not.. it's a scary place :L <3

Haha I totally understand! I'm the exact same! I need to be in control <3

I have the same issue, I over think EVERYTHING I always have to stay two steps ahead whatever I'm about to do I automatically do a risk assessment and possible outcomes of what could happen so I'm always ready in any presented situation :) <3

Omgosh same :')! We need to protect ourselves as well as the people we care about. If we let ourselves become hurt we will be too vulnerable to look after those who we care about and need us <3

do you ever think that maybe your in love right now?

I'm in love in a complete different sense! I'm in love with the way I love my family, The way they are always their for me and the strength of the bond we have! I'm in love with the friendship I have with my friends and how I couldn't generally live without them! I'm also crazily in love with Conor Maynard because his music makes my whole day brighter. I love everything about him even his flaws and I love reading about him and his crazy lifestyle. So I'm very much in love with so many people, so in a complete different way :)

I think you like myself can be quite profound sometimes :) It's nice to find in a girl :) <3

Hehe :) I have a bad tendency to overthink things or go into way much detail. It annoys most people!<3

I'm just raising this, just something to think about, everyone who has ever been in love has said that when your in love.. "you just know it" if your unsure maybe it wasn't love? just a thought

Well yea maybe... I know I've been in love once, But I always compare new people to that feeling and I guess the love you have for each person is different? So yea I'm not sure if it was love the second time, But I guess if I ever fall in love again I will know wont i :)

you think hahaa?

Well yea, I know I've been in love once... It was the most powerful thing I had ever felt. It lasted for so long and took me forever to get over them. However I had a similar feeling but different, But I guess every love for each person is different? So I'm not sure if I've been in love twice or once haha!

how many times have you been truely in love

I think I've been in love twice... I'm not sure though...

would you ever go back to your first love x

No, They are really happy and I'm happy for them! x

fair play hahaa :) that must be annoying sometime's like if someone said Jamie said something.. your like which one?! XD

Hahaa, No, It's kinda easy you see all 3 Jamie's have different friends and don't really know each other so I know what and who every thing is about muahaha ^.^! I love them dearly <3

top 10 lads your closest to?

and that's it :( I don't have any guys in my life (n)!

What is your honest opinion on Amanda Ronaldson?

I can't have an opinion because I don't know the girl. Sorry

you are baffles me how you are single x

Awwww! I'm single because I'm socially awkward though ^.^! Hahaaa x

on a serious not luana why has every1 fucked u bar me?

Okay lets be serious now...
1. I'm not a slag.
2. Not everyone has 'fucked' me, far from it.
3. Everyone would include the 6 billion + people in the world... That is impossible.
4. You can say things like this but not come off Anon, this shows me you are infact a twat.
5. By the sounds of it you are one hell of a twat so I would never 'fuck' you.
6. 'On a serious note Luana, Why has everyone fucked you bar me?' Is how you should of put it sweetheart :)
7. Fuck you <3

Lulu :( You remind me of my favorite porn star not even messing :/ I see you in her every time

Lulu? Who are you. Nice one mate.

what are your best songs x

Girls love beyonce - Conor Maynards cover :)
Paramore - Still into you
Matchbox 20 - Put your hands up
Ben howard - Keep your head up
Bowling for soup - Don't let it be love
The beautiful south - You keep it all in
John Mayer - Who says
The Fray - Heartbeat
Def Leppard - Pour some sugar on me
Santana - Maria Maria
Reece Mastin - She's a killer
The 1975 - sex
There's just a few :)

so luana hitchen who do you hate the most and dont be shy?

I don't hate, takes way too much effort out of my life!


Language: English