

Ask @luanahitchxx

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idk we lost contact i remember the days with you and helena i miss those days xx :)

Wooo me and Helena! were cool (h) but errrm, still who are you lol xx

:P oh you i have missed you babe lol xx

missed me? where the hell have i been :( come on tell me :) xx

iam an old friend :P xx

old friend :( i dont like the sound of that, tell me who you are and wel be new friends xD xx

you know what I say we fuck all this shit off and go for a power wank.. Up for a bit of romance? ;-) <3


YOU SICK FREAKS, have you no hearts this is bullying no matter how you look at it, people end their lives because of SCUM like you, all you've done today is cause misery and upset, if anything happens to that poor girl it's on your heads alone, and Leave Luana the FUCK alone.


right serious now. if you have a fucking problem with her say it to her fucking face instead of being a fucking pussy and being on anon, scared when people find you who they are theyll laugh at you and youd probz get your face kicked in, cuz i sure as hell wouldnt mine doing it, your fucking bullys.

Real talk.

Tbh I'm getting sick of seeing this, I'd love to rip the head off each and every person saying all this shit, pissing me off making you feel low :@ What Luana and her ex have or haven't done is in the past, she's stated countless time's it's history let it go you absolute low lives.

Hey, thanks!!!! <3 <3 <3



no offence, but if sophie doesnt wanna see stuff like this she shouldnt look. but at the end of the day these stupid pricks of a anon can fuck right off your pathetic and your going to be lonely for the rest of your life? dont you care about other peoples feelings? yeah obvs not.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

No cos you and mikey are sorted right? You told him to mail you on this so surely you're all happy again

No not at all I asked him to mail so I could see if he was okay and to tell him not to give up fighting for Sophie! Then we stopped talking:/

Nobody cares if Sophie drinks, drink herself to death tonight has shown mikey loves luana if him and Sophie broke up over this

No that doesn't show he loves me, He is trying to get her back. I know you dislike her but stop using me to hurt her

I know I'm saying this to them I know it's not your fault just want them to realise what they've done


All this is killing soph, why don't people stop to care about her in all this? Fucking seein my best mate drinking herself happy cos of stupid anons like you making her feel like nothing

Look I can't stop them doing it, I don't even know who they are.

being serious though, you have that effect on me :) one of the many reasons I think your incredible :') <3

Awwww gosh you make me smileee! <3

Luana.. you have a strange effect on me, when I see your picture, your name anything to do with you I smile and Want to scream I love you :) <3

Awwww cuterr! Who are you? <3

you my dear luana, are amazing. and pefect we should take a nice long walk along the beach and have a candle lit diner and talk about our future... then curl one out in the sea. romance at its finest.

Can't fucking wait.

scared? your getting cocky on anonymous behind a computer, come off anon and ill meet you now? :)

Mikey, mail me? Keep calm they ain't even worth it! Sophie will come back and they will look like twats!

En of the day just don't like Sophie, not that's she's hurt him even though she has

Listen to the wise one. Mikey wants Sophie. I want Conor Maynard. Everybody wants to know who you are Mr/Miss famous Anon! Please just tell me who you are! Btw was it all you?

oooo scared

You are seriously pissing me of!
Answer me this yea? Say everything you said was right, let's pretend I couldn't live with out him and was madly in love with him eh? What would your sorry ass do if I hurt him eh? Would you pick the pieces up? Go running back to Sophie saying she's right for him etc etc. You are actually the worst mate known to man. Pathetic and a waste of my time, Mikeys time and Sophies.

I know im mint in bed, but a 7 month shags beyond me, i love the girl you clown, you're heading for a high 5 to the nose!

Good on you!

gorgeous? hahahaha funny

She's just as gorgeous as everyone else. Everyone's pretty in their own way :/

he only 'loves' her cos hes getting a shag out of it

He's a good looking guy he could get a shag from anywhere else so I doubt that's the reason. Maybe it's because he cares for her, Loves her personality and thinks shes gorgeous? Ever thought of that?

and then it'll be messed up again, trust

Trust someone who can't even tell me who they are? Have you asked Mikey what he wants?


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