

Ask @luanahitchxx

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If you was to ever fall out with some-one what would they have to do to make it up to you

well 9/10 its my fault, but if it was their fault, they would have to prove their worth my time and effort. Ive had so much bad luck in my life and i dont need anymore, so if they think their worth being in my life and they prove it, they are more than welcome back x

any time is fine with me and alright whenever your feeling up to it, I'm here for you :) <3

Thankyou <3

Indeed it is :L x

Maybe later? Thanks for the offer and it does mean a lot but right now im honestly to down, but i promise to mail you later <3

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Luana :( I wanna cheer you up really badly :L I know i can't make you talk but the offers there, mail me or something i want to make you smile again do anything i can to help <3

Is this Leon?x
Liked by: helena

why you not answering your fone x x

its switched off. having a bad day. dont wanna upset anyone by lashing out.

Tattoos have you got?

5 ...
Mummy on one wrist (I know, very original-.-)
faith on the other
Jayden + Brooke on my arm
Music is the key at the bottom of the back of my neck
and music notes at the top of the back of my neck :)

Any of your exs going out with girls you hate?

I'm not really sure? I don't keep tabs on them, but I only hate around 3 people so I'd say no :)

For some reason I keep coming back to you.. There is something about you that makes you stand out from all the rest whether it's your beautiful eyes, your heavenly smile, maybe because your a funny and great person or possibly your fantastic personality regardless you surpass any girl I know :)

wowwww thats beautiful!

Are any of your ex's in relationships? If so are you happy for them

Yes, im happy for every single one of them tbh! They had to move on, and in all honest some of them are doing so much better without me :) pointless holding grudges :)

Ahh the imaginary ones are the best they're always on time, always there when you need them and never let you down :')

yea, love em to pieces, dont argue back , BOBS YOUR FREAKIN' UNCLE.

Do you like anyone at the mo? If so, who? why?

errrrrrrrrm. My imaginary crush is hot, amazing and beautifuuuuuuull

so tell me if you fell in love with a friends ex what would you do?

what i would do? errm, i have no idea tbh. but if you have any suggestions incase it happens giz a shout :D

Love you too!! Don't let these fools get to you, your better than them and always will be :) <3

Thanks babe! means the world really does <3

Eyy There's only room for one Anon round here & that's me stop being a big girl & show your name, If your gunna try get fly with Luana at least have the balls to show your name #Randomz. #TeamAwesome!! <3

Love you loads!!!!!!!!!! #TeamAwesome!! <3

The all time famous ANON :) but yeah as i said, im done.

errr WHAT THE? I only have one anon and that's Leon. SO who the fuck are you? Don't get brave and say stuff like this if you ain't even going to tell me who you are:/

no question here! justt a quick. call my best mate a slag again ill find you and hurt you:-) far from a slag luana! and heartless? people never heard of protecting yourself from being hurt. oh they make me angry. and no this is not anon. cuz im just making my point on here! love youuu xoxo

Love youu toooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

I came to ask you a question... then forgot so now I'm here to tell you, you are awesome and nothing could change that :) <3

Awww why thank-you so very much :) <3

I just want you to know you are doing the right thing not telling him :) if he has no interest dont wait around for him! just checked his profile looks like a prety boi anyways! you dont wanna waste time there! your beautiful and amazing and he is nothing!

errrm wtf?:L

Ah thats no good then, hmm hint...cant think really? Suprised you dont know tbh.

I honestly have no idea.

Cause you can, have a think and you might just figure it out.

I get randomers saying they miss me on this all the time, so tbh I have no clue. Fancy droppin me a hint?

Dont matter who i am but just know that i miss you.

well actually yea it does matter, why say something and not say who you are? Ovbs don't mean it.


Language: English