
Maggie Yu

Ask @maggieyu17

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you know what. Honestly you are the most beautiful angel on earth and to know that you breathe the same air as me just makes me so happy. I know you're taken but I really hope to being close with you despite the fact that I have the biggest crush on you. :$

omg... wow. Thank you! That's honestly so nice of you.. I'd love to get to know you, so talk to me :) I don't bite

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how about day 2

Math favourites; Mecayla, Priya, Mica, Nicoly, Benedict, Calvin, Shafay.
Gtkb; Gaby, Kashev, Zarah, Celine.
French honours favourites; Everyone in this class is so friendly, not even joking. So yeah I like everyone in this class. :))
Dance; Ravneet, Calli, Melody, Larizel, Rada, Jacob, Jared, Ray, Raevin.
Gtkb; Amar, Jaylyn, Chiara, Sandie, Esther, Sam.
Science; Mecayla, Sara, Trent, Shenis, Jacoby, Chantelle, Priya, Raevin.
Gtkb; Mark, Aleks, Gordon.

favourite people & ppl u wanna know better from day 1?

wtfff. So much work LOL okay sorry if I forget you!
Pe favourites: Sara, Brittany, Amaan, Kallen, Alliah, Maddy, Chantelle, Inaara, Trent, Jared, Jike, Keegan.
Gtkb; Timothy, Vikesh, Zarah, Spencer.
Socials favourites: Mecayla, Camille M, Shafay, Keegan, Brodi, Calli, Jimmy.
Gtkb; Faith, Garima, Calvin, Harry, Faizaan.
Foods favourites; Ravneet, Calli, Kajal, Alliah, Camille M, Larizel, Tiffany, Benedict, Edvin, Jacoby.
Gtkb; Thea, Zarah, Kaylan, Devon.
English favourites; Ravneet, Nicole, Janine, Shania, Madison.
Gtkb; Christian Z, Devon, Thea, Loveleen.

Tbh Maggie I love having you in dance! You're such a good dance partner! I hope we do more sections of the dance together! Ily <3

Thanks Calli love you too!! :)

Maggie! tbh, you're the weirdest, sweetest, most chilling person i ever met! even the way we met each other was super weird, i hope we do get to hang out really soon! text me soon! ;)

Kevin Nguyen
hahaha thanks Kevin! You text me :)

Maggieee <3 tbh, you're one of the most sweetest, huggable, kindest girl I've ever met. I'm so glad we still talk in the halls at times :) I wish you the best on anything since you do deserve it and you're a great person (:

Tiffany sheung
thanks Tiffany :)
Liked by: Tiffany sheung

what the fuck happened I will beat the living souls out of whoever hurt you and made you super upset. Say it Maggie. SAY IT

Stop. Thank you for caring about me, it means a lot. But I'll be fine, so you don't have to worry about me.
Liked by: Josephine Chow

Thought on MEEEEE

Rada Stojanovic
tbh Rada you're by far the loudest girl I've ever met in my entire life lol but you're so sweet! And omg dude your rants about who you like is too much like srsly pick a boy LOOOL but anyways yeah see you Monday :)
Liked by: Rada Stojanovic

TBH MAGGIEEEEEEEEE, You're one of my best friends! I can tell you anything and you give the BEST advices!! You're really nice, pretty, smart, and athletic! We haven't really hanged out lately, so we should do that!!! And yaaa, ily :*

ROSALYN BEE BEE GEE THANK YOU!! & yes, we have to catch up! Text me (:

Tbh yooo we use to go to the same school and we had some pretty funny memories LOL you're really funny and pretty and i like making fun of you :) i love our hand shake too!

You always bully me. Go do your pushups HAHAHAHA but thank you!! (:

Tbh Maggie, I never knew u has a bf, I thought we were besties. Ahah I met u from Sofia (I didn't stalk u I swear) but u made me hold ur jacket and binders and pencil case but yeah ahah ur so chill and u like sports.. I think lol we should talk more

Thanks buddy

Tbh, maaaaggie! I love you <3 your a lot of fun to talk to and you're so beautiful! I also really like your style! See you tomorrow! :)

Shania!! Thank you! I love you too! <3

tbhhhhh maggggieee yuuuuuu your really chill man. we used to talk alot but we dont really anymore so that should change! 9/10 aha

Thanks Andrea! (:

tbh maggie we used to talk alot last year and we had some pretty great laughs in dance this year we dont tall very much and I miss that :( your really genuine and sooo trustworthy you are also beautifulll I hope we start talking moree:))

I know I miss you! But thank you (:

Wut wut...ur dating shafay?

LOOL no, Ali's another guy that doesn't go to south haha shafay's single and ready to mingle ;)

Aren't all memories with you good? But i loved when we got the idea to hang every Tuesday cuz this idea will last through the year

Thanks man! Can't wait to see you soon!
Liked by: AOA

Tbh WHERES DORA HUH BOOTS? Don't call me bob the builder omg LOL you're chill, funny and nice!

Go build me a house

tbh youre really pretty and good at dance and im really glad I met you this year because youre so sweet :)

Awe thanks Chiara! :)

tbh, you're really sweet and having foods with you is fun, I'd like to get to know you better this school year, although I'm never in pe! You're really pretty and your smile can make my day!

Alliah P.
awe thanks Alliah! :)
Liked by: Alliah P.

Write 5 paragraphs about 5 different people without saying who it is.

1. you're the best. I don't know what I'd do without you. You've dealt with all my shit these few months and I'm so happy I'm with you. <3
2. ayee what's up. You're so trustworthy dudee I can always talk to you about my problems and you always listen and give me advice and yee. Thanks for that. You're like a brother to me and we should chill before school starts again!
3. You're one of my best friends. You've been there for me through thick & thin and I'm so happy we have literally all our classes together HAHA we've had our fights which last an hour or so talk about wimps HAHAH but seriously I love you, m&m squad forever <3
4. Hoolyyy can we just go back to when we first met during photo retakes HAHAHA look where that's led us. You're also one of my best friends and I'm so thankful I met you. You always listen to my problems and you're always there for me and omg idk I just love you man you're literally the bomb. Our nicknames thoughhh HAHA loveee yaaa
5. SEAF SEAF SEAAAAF what's upp buddyy. You're one of my best guy friends at south and I can tell you anything. Our conversations are the most stupidest things ever but it's soo hilarioouuss yesterday thoo ;) anyways hope to see you soon before school starts!

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Tbh: Maggie ur so chill and pretty . Our snapchats are pre cool . Otherwise , ur sporty and smart . We always talk in Facebook and hardly in person . I'm happy we have a couple classes together.

Thaanks Benny! (:
Liked by: Benedict

maggiee! I don't see you that much this year which sucks :( but you're so cute and sweet and your laugh is adorable! hope you have a great winter break!

Thanks Graciella! Same goes to you! :)

Thoughts on meeee <3

Rosalyn! You're one of my closest friends, and you're always so positive when you're around me haha I love it tbh. You're so gorgeous and one of the sweetest people ever. You're soo hardcore hilarious & our dances on xbox yesterday HAHAH gts. I hope you have a great winter break! :) text me up, love you!

thoughts on Julianne Brayden Om Monica

Julianne: don't know her well, but she's soo cute!
Brayden: bestie AHA inside joke. I didn't know who he was but then we somehow met.. he's so chill & super nice. I wanna get to know him better! :) thanks for carrying my shit to class Brayden you rock
Om: omambaaa! He's one of my favourite grade 8's and I'm so glad we're close! He's really trustworthy and he's super nice as well. HAHA when when we have lunch it's actually soo fun. I hope to stay close with him throughout high school! :)
Monica: I don't talk to her but she's chill
Liked by: Cheif AOA

Tbh on me?

Tbh Om! We've recently started hanging out and talking lots more which is good hahaa. You're really chill and fun to be around lol lunch on Friday though. You're also really trustworthy and I hope we stay good friends for awhile! (:
Liked by: AOA


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