
Maggie Yu

Ask @maggieyu17

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Cute guys in your day 1/2 classes?

Sigh, fine. I might be forgetting some :$
Pe: Vikesh, Keegan.
Socials: Shafay, Keegan, Calvin, this new kid Kyle lol.
Foods: Benedict, Edvin.
English: nobody
Math: Benedict, Shafay, Calvin.
French Honours: nobody
Dance: RAVNEET<3 LOL jk nobody
Science: Mark.
Liked by: Ravneet j Shafay Ali

Yea yes it is

And you think sending that to me as an anonymous person won't do anything, right? Yeah, no. Karma will bite you. You are one rude human being. It sucks I have to breathe the same air as you. Bye.

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Best friends? Girls and guys people who you are close to

No order - sorry if I forget some!
Girls: Ravneet, Mecayla, Sofia, Sylvia, Rosalyn, Josephine.
Guys: George, Harman ish, Dulguun, Ray, Charlie, Benedict.
Liked by: Enoch Qin Ravneet j

tbh on your bestie

Tbh you're one of my close guy friends & your car talks while we walk home.. omfg. Like SHUT UP RAY LOL but anyways you're a really good friend and you really suck at dancing HAHAHA but the effort is an A+ (: see yaa Monday! Message me!

Thoughts on yo wifey <3 btw love you boo

Tbh Sofia you're one of my favourite people in this entire universe because you mean so much to me. You're soo freaking beautiful, kind, and so trustworthy. You're like my human diary LOL JKS HAHAHA there's so much more to describe how much you mean to me, but I'm really tired but ILY YOU'RE MY BEST FRIEND OKAY TEXT ME :**

I heard from an anonymous source that you like hockey players that are white??

"Anonymous source" wow you're killing me here & yeah my boy Patrick Kane <3333
Liked by: shenis

U were limping after school, u ok?

Yeah, my knee was in a lot of pain from the run & walking down the stairs after school did not make it feel any better. But thanks for caring anon (:

What about you? What are your thoughts about me? :)

Tbh Nick I'm so glad you make Sofia happy because that makes me happy as a friend by her side. You seem really nice despite the fact that I haven't met you in person. You hate hockey which is a definite no-no LOL JKS. But hopefully you'll come to Vancouver one day! Thanks for the tbh also (:
Liked by: shenis

Tbh Maggie, you are sooo gorgeous and kind! You're such a good friend of mine and it sucks that we have no classes together again. We have to hang out soon! See u tmr <3 <3

thaank youu! & yes for sure (: see you tomorrow!

MAGGIE JESUS CHRIST YOU ARE SO SO SO SWEET AND SO CLASSY AND BEAUTIFUL I JUST. I REALLY REALLY DIG THE SOUND OF YOUR VOICE JS BUT YEAH, we should talk more sometime because you honestly seem like a fantastic and hilarious friend to have! You're also really down to earth ad just really chill & cool!

THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH SHENIS AW ILY <33 & yeah we should talk more (:
Liked by: shenis

Tbh you're really nice we kinda talked a bit in the beginning of last year but we kinda stopped, you should message me sometime (:

thaanks! (:

Tbh: I had so much fun with you in dance class on friday, our dance was da best. You seem really nice and friendly. I would love to get to know you better

thanks! (:


Language: English