
Apple N.

Ask @mapples

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I guess I just came here because I felt bad. There were some mean people here.

It's alright. There will always be mean people anywhere.

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Just here on your ask. Didn't mean it to go over that. I don't even know where you are or if you are in the same country as I am.

Still really odd, since you insist on staying anonymous :) But I think I understand.

For now I shall be your anonymous guardian? I would give you a hug if you neede one believe me. It is such an unfortunate circumstance that we are simply strangers.

To you be your way.
But know it is a bit creepy for you to watch over me unidentified.

Good to see that you're saying that. Maybe one day, should fate allow it. :)

I look forward to it.

Promise me that you'll keep on trying, okay? Until you succeed. I would hate to see someone with such a beautiful smile frown because of half-wits. :)

I promise that I'll keep on trying. Promise me we'll have a conversation that isn't anonymous one day. Thank you for the good words.

I may not know you but forget about the hate. Keep your head up and keep that beautiful smile. :)

Curious who you are. Thank you for the good words. :) I'm really trying.

Something to not forget. You are not defined by these nights. You have survived so much, and fought for so long. You are strong. It might've been a while since we talked and you probably forgot about me. But know that these words are still true.

I know. Thank you. I wonder who you are.

I know. But it'll indirectly hurt them nd maybe persuade them to stop hating.

Maybe. But let's try not to turn our attention on them at all, and focus all our efforts on relieving the hurting.

Keep your head up and don't let them drag you down. Keep on smiling darling. :)

Thank you, love!! :) I will try.

That's it? It is pathetic, but we're dealing with people here so you shouldn't be surprised about that.

Well, we all have something we hate about people.

Shallow? How?

Or not shallow pala? I'm an attention whore, they said. I come to ask.fm when I'm sad to hear people tell me I'm pretty and I'm great.

Why aare you getting so much hate?

Oh, somebody just thinks I'm shallow. I know naman I'm a difficult person. Haha.

Well someone needs to be kicked in the face. *the person telling you that you're here for compliments*

Oh, don't. I think they need a hug <3

Do you ever think about the future? I worry and overthink a lot and it induces anxiety I can't help it sometimes its really terrible... What do you usually do to overcome fears?

I do. Lately, I've been pressuring myself to find a job ASAP. It stresses me out a lot. I'm really the worst person to ask because I have the worst coping mechanisms for all things negative. I usually respond to my fears by freezing up and not doing anything. I definitely wouldn't advise you to do that. Lol
My guidance counselor's advice might help, though. He tried to teach me the method of countering your negative thoughts. Pay attention to the exact thoughts you think when facing anxiety or fear. What is making you anxious? Why? What are you afraid of? Why? Cut down to the core of what is really making you feel this way.
And then, preferably with the help of someone you trust and someone who understands you, find a rational response to each of those negative thoughts. It's as simple as "I can't do this" with "I can do this." Or you can make it more specific or more empowering: "I can do this because _____" "I can do this by _____"
Go through every negative thought on your list and come up with a positive reply to each one. And then when those thoughts hit you again, fight it with your positive ones and train yourself to listen to those more. It may not make the bad feelings go away, but it may help you move in spite of them.
Tell me how this works out for you :)

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Don't mind the trolls pandurr, mga gutom sa attention lang yan at wala magawa sa buhay to they take it out on people with ask.fm accounts :))

Nyaww, wag ganyan. Haha.

Are you back here because you're sad and you're looking for people to say oh you're pretty, oh you're great? Hahaha still so predictable, you.

I'm not so sad now but yes I am definitely for compliments. You know me so well <3

What three things in life you want more than anything else?

For myself?
1. A stronger heart.
2. To make a huge difference to the world.
3. A soul-mate who understands me and will never leave me.

Treat yourself to a Magnum or B&R after this night, you deserve it.

B&R? But ooh I miss Magnum!! Thank you! :)

you're being quite positive now, despite. :)

That's the goal! :) Let's hope I can do this more often.

How do YOU listen to someone?

By letting them talk, and only reply to give them something more to say (ex. asking specific questions, asking about their thoughts and feelings about the last thing they said, having them react to an opinion or suggestion)

you inspire so much when you're positive! you can do it. i hope someday i'll be able to shake your hand and thank you for this!

Can't remember a time when I was positive. Haha. Let someday be soon?

Do you want to rant or vent?

A part of me thinks I do. But a greater part of me just wants to listen to other people saying things, which is why I linked up my ask.fm. So tell me things :)

keep your spirit up! you're more than the words.

Thank you so so much! That really means a lot :')

You and your words are brilliant. This to shall pass.

Thank you! :) That's my motto! But I often forget. Thank you for the reminder :)
(I was originally just waiting for it to pass, but I decided to go with it while it was here.)
Liked by: tiff go

Overthinking I guess. What burdens you tonight?

Overthinking, definitely. People burden me. Superficiality burdens me. Failures burden me. And loneliness. :(

whose blogs do you follow?

I think I follow some 100 or so blogs. Some from people I know or vaguely know, a lot of popular or quasi-famous blogs.

Don't give up! You can do it. You've lived up to almost 21, you can do this!

Trying to not give up. Trying to believe I can do it. Thank you!! :)

I'm looking for more blogs to follow on Wordpress! Any recommendations? :)

I don't really remember the platforms that blogs use, especially WP blogs because they tend to just pay for their own website. But try the WordPress tags or dashboard!

If you were a cloud what cloud would you be? Nimbus? Cirrus? Cumulus? Stratus? Or a hybrid of some sort? ;) What do you think this says about you?

I don't know much about clouds, so I can't answer that. And that's a pretty wide question. All I know is I want me some wings. #boring

I handle two blogs actually. One less serious but more updated on Tumblr, and another on Wordpress which is stripped off from reposts, which means less frequent posting. Why do you write in the first place? Why keep a blog? I also noticed you've stopped your 365 series~

Writing has become so intrinsic to me that I can never really answer the question "Why do you write in the first place?" To be cheesy and cliche about it, I write the way I breathe; if I stopped, I would die.
I keep a blog, well, for an audience! I want to be read and noticed. I have secret blogs on Tumblr and on Blogspot, but I don't write in them nearly as much, only when what I want to say needs to be hidden. I get what you mean about less frequent posting. I think you can turn that into an advantage if you make up for the frequency with quality of content. Use the "less is more" mantra. Sometimes when I write a post that I'm quite proud of, I don't feel the pressure to come up with another post for a week or so.
I've tried keeping a 365 at least three times, and I can never finish them because I lack discipline and commitment. I loved that series though.

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I was the one asking for blogging/writing tips. It's hard to step out of the Anonymous mask (I'm shy, heh), but hello! I can't remember how I found your blog, but it's one of my favorites to read, pwera biro. :) How do you get ideas/inspiration and do you worry about oversharing on the internet? - A

First of all, thank you for reading and liking my blog!!! :) Yay! Now I think I can answer your questions better because I can stalk your accounts for background information. Hehehehe.
Q: How do you get ideas/inspiration?
- One of my few talents is finding things on the Internet. Whenever I'm browsing, I find something that makes me go "I wanna do that!" OR "I wanna be the person that made something as awesome as that!" Then I know I've found something I'm going to use later on. It helps to save or write them down: I have a page in my journal and in my laptop where I wrote down all the ideas, categories, topics I've ever thought of, ESPECIALLY the raw and empty ones. They tend to fill themselves up later on.
Q: Do you worry about oversharing on the internet?
- Definitely. Although everything on social media is more or less oversharing these days, I have definitely toned it down over the years. I used to be ruthless in expressing myself, but I hurt people unintentionally, so I started over and promised not to do that anymore.

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