
Apple N.

Ask @mapples

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Are there any places you are afraid to visit?

Not really afraid, but hospitals make me shaky. Also, banks, offices, and anywhere with official grown-up business :<

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What do you consider yourself? Indie, Hipster, Emo or Popular kid?

I consider myself someone who goes beyond boxes and labels :)

haha :) how do you usually throw your shoes, do you toss them directly in the trash can, or do you place them first in a plastic or box?

This is getting really weird :))
Liked by: Ivan

I see haha :) as of now, do you still have old shoes you're about to throw away?

Yup yup. (Again, where are we going with this? And who is this? Hahahaha)

hahaha! we'll just asking you about shoes for a change =)))) what do you do with your old shoes that you don't use anymore?

I throw them (if they're broken, which they usually are na because I don't buy new shoes often)

haha :) do you also wear sneakers or rubber shoes?

I do, but rarely! Where are we going with this? Are you going to buy me new shoes? Haha!

I see haha. when wearing ballet flats, do you find your feet sweating?

Sometimes? I don't notice so much. Haha.

what kind of shoes do you always wear?

Lately I've been wearing my trusty flip-flops because most of my shoes are either broken or too tight. Haha. But I love love sandals, heels, slip-ons, or ballet flats :>

What is your favorite year of your life?

2006 was my first favorite year, and then 2008, and then 2011. In these years, I learned a lot about happiness (philosophically speaking) :)

Where do you go for advice?

To whoever can give me good and relevant advice on the issue I need advice on :) That, or my best friends.

What are your favorite subjects to talk about?

Books!!! :) Philosophizing topics, depends on who I am talking with. Human nature, people I know, life, etc etc.

I'm sure you've read the tale of Thumbelina. What do you make of it? How do you understand it?

Oh my, wow. I read that story when I was really very young, and I couldn't understand it for anything other than what it was. Is it supposed to mean something? I'm curious!

Well.. what kinds of books do you read then? Genre I mean.. :)

I guess YA and popular culture books are my comfort zone (John Green, Sarah Dessen, for sappy guilty pleasure reading). I used to read fantasy and sci-fi a lot (Artemis Fowl, Maximum Ride), but lately I've been reading contemporaries and classics. (I rarely fall in love with the classics, though.)

What's the highest grade you've ever got that made you so happy and made you think you certainly deserved it?

I got an A for my English reflection paper, and that made me reeaaally happy, because that was my first college A. And if you know me well, you know that I put my heart and pride into my writing. And this year, I'm getting As and B+s for my Feature Writing class, and that makes me feel good as well :) I also got some good grades in high school that I worked pretty hard for. It always feels fulfilling.

How long does it take you to read a book?

Bookish question, yay! It depends on the book, and it depends what else I'm doing. I'm swamped with work right now, so a regular book takes at least two weeks. Longer, if the book is annoying, or if the writing is just really heavy stuff (think Kundera, Murakami). I read Hunger Games during a break, and I finished it in a day. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close took me a month during a semester, I think, but I might have been postponing the ending on purpose. Haha.
Liked by: Jayne Orlina

What’s your favorite breakfast food?

Breakfast food is my favorite breakfast food!! Tapsilog, corned beef, breakfast platter (sunny-side up eggs, hash brown, French toast, bacon), hot dog and eggs. Okay sorry guys. Hahahaha.
Liked by: Jayne Orlina

What websites do you go to everyday?

Facebook, Twitter/Tweetdeck, Yahoo! Mail. Almost every day: WordPress, Tumblr, Goodreads, ask.fm :))
Liked by: Ivan

Going through your wordpress (haha sorry I'm such a creep) but hey omg I'm in love with the way you write??? (Kasi question daw dapat haha borrowing this trick from @jamjoyreyes) Haha hi Mapples!

Jayne Orlina
Tsk, okay lang. I like non-question messages too :)) aaaah thanks bro. *_*

Which movies or books have made a big impact on you?

"Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" by Foer made me want to swallow the book and live on its words for the rest of my life. No, really. The book gave me all the feelings and easily climbed to the top of my faves list.
Liked by: Jayne Orlina

What movie star would you most like to meet?

Currently Jennifer Lawrence! She's gorgeous, plus ineffably quirky, funny, and charming!

Name three things you have never done, but would like to do?

Get published, interview strangers with super interesting stories, see the Northern Lights.

What things do you like about your country?

Our culture is reeaally interesting, if you think about it. Our provinces are beyond beautiful and completely underappreciated. And we've got some of the coolest and quirkiest personalities in the world!

Language: English