
Marco Castro

Ask @marcocastro25415

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Favorite jazzcat. (List 1 freshmen, 1 junior, 1 senior, and sophomore )

Freshman- Macy
Sophmore- Alex
Junior- Nicole
Senior- Shannon

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What's the best thing you can purchase for $5?

Ugh thats a tough one. Food wise? Umm a link snack pack at Krispy Chicken! Material wise? A gift to make someone smile!

Actually, it's not. Haha

Haha ah welllll... Just some rumors involving a few girls and some two facers but thats high school.

What makes someone attractive?

Definitely someone who loves their family and friends and doesn't care what others think about her!

Favorite volleyball player?

Haven't seen the team play as a whole, both jv and varsity! Ask me again next tuesday! But for right now sarah zettler is the favorite on varsity but i have no clue on jv!

When is the last time you told somone you love them?

Other than my mom and goofing off with my friends? Umm 4 days

Fav freshman? Boy and girl.

Umm thats hard! Based of personality and because i know them well it'd be Zach Martinez and Hannah Bartosh! But that can easily change in a matter of days!

Who was your idol when you were growing up?

Definitely my uncle Ed! Former Sergeant in the Marine Corps! Hoorah!

Who do u like?

Umm text me and i'll tell you straight up! Some people might have a problem if i said it on here!

Are cats or dogs smarter?

Depends on the situation! Probably dogs since they're the only things that'll love you more than themselves!

If you could communicate with your pet for just a minutes, and they would understand, what would you say?

Why are you the way you are?!

What is the first animal you would run to see if you went to the zoo?

Umm if we had them definitely penguins or polar bears!


Language: English