
Margaret Krohn

Ask @MargaretKrohn

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would you rather give up ketchup or mayonnaise forever?

I don't really care for either. lol. Both?

Do you have any advice for people starting out on youtube?

Be consistent! Make content you care about.

what is something you wished you were better at

Keeping calm and not letting my emotions get to me. I'm getting better at it, but yeah, need to keep working on it.

Do you like to try different things or amongst those who are scared to leave their comfort zone ?

A mix of both. I usually stick to a routine, but when I'm prepared, I'm up for an adventure!

do you cook well? ??

I cook. My partner eats it, so I guess that's a win! 🤣😂

I post my food on Instagram.

I was wondering if you were planning on continuing with the Wrath and Glory campaign. I've been looking forward to seeing more of it.

Unfortunately, no. I didn't have enough Subscriber income coming in to keep paying the cast appropriately.

what motivates you to study ?

Haven't had to do that in awhile, but I was motivated to be successful. I didn't want to live like I did as a child. I wanted a better life for myself.

What online games do you play?

So many!!! But regularly, I usually have an MMO and FPS game I play on a day-to-day basis, and then I mix in other single player story, strategy, and stimulator games here and there when new ones come out.

do u have a husky

Not now, but I had a husky malamute at one point. Her name was Holly. She was very sweet.

What kind of transportation do you use most often?

Lately walking and rollerblading, but before COVID-19, I drove to work. I didn't really leave the house much, so this hasn't been too different for me. 😂


Language: English